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A new class system which one do you belong to.

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My dealings with that type of people is they are usually hocked up to the eyes in credit with paying for their fancy cars and houses basically living beyond their means with very little in the way of spare cash they might talk snobby and have a big house but that does not make them any better than me or you ,on the other hand you can deal with the guy on the manor he will say no I cant afford that or yes that's a decent price and pay you,you know what you are dealing with,all this is just my opinion and experience of dealing with different types and classes of people as a self employed man.

We once worked for a Dr on Whirlowdale Road [no tea no biscuits] when it was time to pay he started to haggle and said he would not pay the V.A.T..

My mate Tosh re aranged his tie for him by adjusting the knot, the good Dr paid up.

Real class was Tosh.

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I'll give you an example of one job I was called to in whirlowdale a few years ago

they came on the phone all posh one saturday afternoon asking me to have a look at their satellite system,when I got there there was a Porsche and a BMW on the front it was a nice big house on the outside,when I went in the house the carpets were all manky the furniture was like something from a jumble sale,he had had a system fitted throughout the house with the satellite receiver in the loft,he had been messing about pulling wires out all over the house trying to get it working,I ended up tuning 6 tellys in fixing a load of connections in the loft aligning the dish that he had been messing with,all this took me two hours to complete I charged him £36 for that job and you should have seen his face like I had robbed or something he said I'll have to give you a cheque,he then said but don't put in the bank till next week I could not believe it I said are you having a laugh or what.

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I'll give you an example of one job I was called to in whirlowdale a few years ago

they came on the phone all posh one saturday afternoon asking me to have a look at their satellite system,when I got there there was a Porsche and a BMW on the front it was a nice big house on the outside,when I went in the house the carpets were all manky the furniture was like something from a jumble sale,he had had a system fitted throughout the house with the satellite receiver in the loft,he had been messing about pulling wires out all over the house trying to get it working,I ended up tuning 6 tellys in fixing a load of connections in the loft aligning the dish that he had been messing with,all this took me two hours to complete I charged him £36 for that job and you should have seen his face like I had robbed or something he said I'll have to give you a cheque,he then said but don't put in the bank till next week I could not believe it I said are you having a laugh or what.


You come across like someone who has done the survey and isn't happy with the results they got.


Perhaps the folk saw you were from Lane Top and hid the decent stuff away.

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Established middle class according to the BBC test. I think the BBC software is malfunctioning.


I think the brains of whoever came out with that test are malfunctioning. Since when was liking jazz or heavy metal a way of determining social class?

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I charged him £36 for that job and you should have seen his face like I had robbed or something he said I'll have to give you a cheque,he then said but don't put in the bank till next week I could not believe it I said are you having a laugh or what.


If that's true, fair play.

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