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A new class system which one do you belong to.

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You come across like someone who has done the survey and isn't happy with the results they got.


Perhaps the folk saw you were from Lane Top and hid the decent stuff away.


Yes they probably changed their carpets for manky ones incase I tried to nick um :hihi:

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Apparently I'm part of the precariat. :(


I understand that the 20th Century image of the cloth cap & whippet / top hat & tails is hopelessley outdated - perhaps it always was simplistic and a misnomer.


This new classification seems to place as much emphasis on who you know, as well as what you know and how much you earn.

Surely who you know has always been important in terms of your position in the class structure. And although your interests and activities can indicate a person has what used to be called 'breeding', it shouldn't place them above or below anyone else.

I'm very confused :confused:


EDIT: I seem to have missed it, but do the reserchers give any figures or results from their survey?

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You surely can't possibly be serious!
yes I think he was. If I'm invited to a social and its a low-rent pub on a council estate, I always feel at ease. You just talk to the locals in there and there's no hidden agenda, just basic (but often rough) banter, which I'm ok with. If I go to a social full of educated professionals, I feel bored by them name dropping their connections, telling me what car they drive & what they own and trying to judge me by assessing how much I earn and how many bums I am able to kick at work. So give me the pub on t'manor anytime.


My old man went self employed doing small building jobs for a while. He hated the affluent houses cos they always tried to haggle him down and defer payment. The working class families would supply him with tea & buscuits, he might end up eating with the family and at the end they would just pay up and wish him well.

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The working class families would supply him with tea & buscuits, he might end up eating with the family and at the end they would just pay up and wish him well.


What is it with this tea and biscuits stuff. That's twice now people have moaned they didn't receive teas and biscuits. i never supply tea and biscuits, are those who do jobs for me calling me names behind my back then? Can't believe this! I'm giving them two weeks to a months work and they are calling me because I don't provide refreshments. Would cost a fortune to do that every day they are on the job. Ungrateful sods.

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You see them in John Lewis all talking posh to their kids and paying with the credit card,talk posh no dosh.The times they have said to me after i have completed the work,can I give you a post dated check they never ask before they seem to think that we dont eat and can live on fresh air.

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Its true most of the jobs we go to they always offer us a cup of tea,I don't always take them up on it or you would be peeing everywhere,Asian people always offer you a drink and even something to eat, nothing like a nice bowl of curry and some chapatis to keep you going yum yum you don't get that up whirlowdale.:hihi:

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