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A new class system which one do you belong to.

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Do they not, all the young people I know would love to buy their own home.


Really? I'm genuinely surprised. I've never met a young man, say between the ages of 18-25 who could care less about owning. More bothered about travelling, women and going out. Young women seem more concerned to get married and then I suppose their thoughts naturally go to property and setting up home.

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Really? I'm genuinely surprised. I've never met a young man, say between the ages of 18-25 who could care less about owning. More bothered about travelling, women and going out. Young women seem more concerned to get married and then I suppose their thoughts naturally go to property and setting up home.


Yes I know many young couples trapped in rented accommodation that would love to buy an house but can't.


I also know many that have given up on having a family and home so have decided to enjoy life whilst it lasts.

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Very high economic capital (especially savings), high social capital, very high highbrow cultural capital


Established middle class


High economic capital, high status of mean contacts, high highbrow and emerging cultural capital


Technical middle class


High economic capital, very high mean social contacts, but relatively few contacts reported, moderate cultural capital


New affluent workers


Moderately good economic capital, moderately poor mean score of social contacts, though high range, moderate highbrow but good emerging cultural capital


Traditional working class


Moderately poor economic capital, though with reasonable house price, few social contacts, low highbrow and emerging cultural capital


Emergent service workers


Moderately poor economic capital, though with reasonable household income, moderate social contacts, high emerging (but low highbrow) cultural capital




Poor economic capital, and the lowest scores on every other criterion


An update on these figures. Love to see them at the end of the day.

Don't have much faith in then as they've been only about 300 samples.



Elite 6%


Established middle class 25%


Technical middle class 6%


New affluent workers 15%


Traditional working class 14%


Emergent service workers 19%


Precariat 15%

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Do they not, all the young people I know would love to buy their own home.
of the ones I know they say they would love to own their own home and bemoan the fact that they don't, but actually give priority to having that new trendy car, latest iphone, etc etc


Guess that means they are not deadly serious in what they are saying.

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An update on these figures. Love to see them at the end of the day.

Don't have much faith in then as they've been only about 300 samples.




My post was in response to someone asking about the results from the survey upon which the news articles were based.


That survey (see the earlier link) was conducted in 2011 and the results are based upon 161,400 responses.

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of the ones I know they say they would love to own their own home and bemoan the fact that they don't, but actually give priority to having that new trendy car, latest iphone, etc etc


Guess that means they are not deadly serious in what they are saying.


They must be the lucky ones if they can still afford the new trendy car and latest iphone after paying the rent.

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Amazingly it says I'm


"Financially insecure" just because I choose to rent, but clicked the £25K-£50K savings box, and know people who are cleaners.


I got the same result. It's a pretty stupid definition of financially insecure.

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What is it with this tea and biscuits stuff. That's twice now people have moaned they didn't receive teas and biscuits. i never supply tea and biscuits, are those who do jobs for me calling me names behind my back then? Can't believe this! I'm giving them two weeks to a months work and they are calling me because I don't provide refreshments. Would cost a fortune to do that every day they are on the job. Ungrateful sods.

Try working on a scaffold in December, January, February etc for 8 hours a day while the silly twit up Whirlo tells you that no she [he] cannot mash a cupa for you or let you use the toilet etc.

In these situations the lads find other ways of getting their own back.

So enjoy your coffee mornings I hope the water tastes nice.;)

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