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Remember having your tonsils out in the 50s

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Remember going to the old Royal Infirmary where we were operated on in batches and waking up on makeshift mattresses on the floor.The only upside was being spoiled with ice cream while your throat was still raw.


You pampered lot don't know what you are talking about - I remember having my tonsils out at the old Royal Infirmary on Langsett Road in the 1930's.

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You pampered lot don't know what you are talking about - I remember having my tonsils out at the old Royal Infirmary on Langsett Road in the 1930's.


I was just a twinkle in my Dad's eye then. ;)

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I had my tonsils and adenoids out at Shirle Hill in about 1965 and well remember the ice cream. They also did a sinus washout that didnt work and I was sent to the Royal Hospital on West Street for an operation. Dont think either are there now.


had mine done there, lived on ice cream for weeks:D

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I had mine out about '63 but had them done at Thornbury Annexe which is i think a private hospital now. They had a freezer at the end of the ward and you could help yourself to ice cream or lollies any time. Different now days they make them eat dry toast.

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Joan all my growing up years I had earache middle ear deafness, and septic tonsillitis. I was bedridden the first week with a temperature, I couldn't even eat. Our Dr would always give me a penicillin injection before my course of pills. He didn't believe in you having your tonsils out, so I went to a lady doctor. She sent me to a specialist when I was 14 and I was 3yrs on the list. I've never looked back, it was the best decision I ever made, I don't even get colds now. The sad thing is I missed a lot of school, and almost lost my job because of being continually sick. My doctor ( Dr Anderson) was old fashioned, didn't seem to think it mattered I missed my schooling, he used to make me stay off school 3 wks. Of course by the time I went back I was completely lost, and had to catch up. Of course by the time I did I was off sick again. :rolleyes:






Very much the same as me Joto. I had my tonsils out when I was 19 because of quinseys the same as Joan though. It was in 1964 also at the Royal and there were just four of us older ones in a ward. The children all had their names biro'ed on their chests and we said hope that they don't do that to us. My first meal was cornflakes it was like eating razor blades. I don't know how good a job they did though because one of my tonsils has actually grown back.

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Remember going to the old Royal Infirmary where we were operated on in batches and waking up on makeshift mattresses on the floor.The only upside was being spoiled with ice cream while your throat was still raw.


hi all i had my tonsils out in the 50s the only thing i remember about it was eating loads of ice cream had never tasted it till then but does anyone know why so many kids had to have them out together was it a precaution thing or what

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My Grandson had his tonsils out a few weeks ago , 6 days after the op he was rushed by ambulance back to hospital bleeding heavily from his throat due to an infection. Luckily after a stay in hospital on an antibiotic drip he,s now okay Thank goodness .

Reading about tonsil ops in the 50,s and 60,s and kids waking up on mattresses on the floors makes me wonder how anyone survived at all :o .

We were probably tougher in those days .

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Remember going to the old Royal Infirmary where we were operated on in batches and waking up on makeshift mattresses on the floor.The only upside was being spoiled with ice cream while your throat was still raw.


Hi You certainly rang some bells on that one I remember it,the mattresses were red rubber,I guess to stop the blood going on the floor I think there was a lot of that, don't remember the ice cream

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