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I read the Daily Mail today. Gobsmacked.

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I was at a relatives for the morning. They'd bought a copy so when they took their dogs out for a walk I settled down with as cup of tea and read it.


Started with the sport section. That was pretty good. Then the business and finance sections. I was pleasantly surprised. Interesting and a decent standard. Perfect for a quick fairly informative read.


Then the main section of the paper. Never have I read so much venom and bile.


One thing in particular was a theme in the paper today. Several writers tried to claim that Mick Philpott was a product of the benefit system, that somehow it created him. This was used more than once in the paper to attack the welfare system in this country. Utterly preposterous and sickening that the case was used to make a political point.


Let's get this straight. Mick Philpott is most likely a vicious psychopath, not a product of the welfare system. The welfare system didn't turn him bad. And it won't produce an army of Mick Philpotts either. The welfare system does not turn claimants into sociopaths and psychopaths. Philpott in another life might never have claimed benefits but he would still have been a disaster waiting to happen.


I hope those six children rest in peace. They deserve better than to be used as a political football by what to me looks like the nastiest rag on sale in Britain today.


Edit: this was the headline on the print edition today:


Vile product of Welfare UK: Man who bred 17 babies by five women to milk benefits system is guilty of killing six of them

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If there had been a requirement for him to work to support his children, would he have had so many? My understanding of this man is that he had them because they generated an income that he could use for himself. Without the income they generated he wouldn’t have had them, so they wouldn’t have suffered.

I do agree the story is in bad taste but it is factual.

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I agree 100%.


Trying to blame the benefits system for causing people like Mick Philpot is truly disgusting. Also at a time when the govt are cutting back, it's propaganda of the worst sort. Sick

I can see letters to the press compalints commission - not that they can do antthing. A mangy mongrel has more teeth

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I was at a relatives for the morning. They'd bought a copy so when they took their dogs out for a walk I settled down with as cup of tea and read it.


Started with the sport section. That was pretty good. Then the business and finance sections. I was pleasantly surprised. Interesting and a decent standard. Perfect for a quick fairly informative read.


Then the main section of the paper. Never have I read so much venom and bile.


One thing in particular was a theme in the paper today. Several writers tried to claim that Mick Philpott was a product of the benefit system, that somehow it created him. This was used more than once in the paper to attack the welfare system in this country. Utterly preposterous and sickening that the case was used to make a political point.


Let's get this straight. Mick Philpott is most likely a vicious psychopath, not a product of the welfare system. The welfare system didn't turn him bad. And it won't produce an army of Mick Philpotts either. The welfare system does not turn claimants into sociopaths and psychopaths. Philpott in another life might never have claimed benefits but he would still have been a disaster waiting to happen.


I hope those six children rest in peace. They deserve better than to be used as a political football by what to me looks like the nastiest rag on sale in Britain today.





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If there had been a requirement for him to work to support his children, would he have had so many? My understanding of this man is that he had them because they generated an income that he could use for himself. Without the income they generated he wouldn’t have had them, so they wouldn’t have suffered.

I do agree the story is in bad taste but it is factual.


He may have gone to med school instead and become a serial killer like Harold Shipman. Are the Mail saying that all GPs are psychopaths?

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If there had been a requirement for him to work to support his children, would he have had so many? My understanding of this man is that he had them because they generated an income that he could use for himself. Without the income they generated he wouldn’t have had them, so they wouldn’t have suffered.

I do agree the story is in bad taste but it is factual.


It gave him a unique outlet for his talents. There are many outlets for people with his types of personality but he happened to choose that one. The welfare system didn't create him. If he hadn't taken that route he probably would have been creating mayhem in some other way.


---------- Post added 03-04-2013 at 20:27 ----------


I occasionally read them whilst waiting for my Chinese, but would never buy one.


I wouldn't wipe my backside on it.

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