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I read the Daily Mail today. Gobsmacked.

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You may have a problem with trashy 'kids' but that's how it works.

Your words so I will assume you are the one with the problem.


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 20:48 ----------


Clearly it would have to be implemented properly and sensitively.


Small employers who don't have a great deal of profit should be exempt, and tax credits should continue.


But it cannot be right that multinationals like Tesco and Asda that earn billions in profits to rely upon british taxpayers to top up wages.


I don't know, maybe a national discussion about what is fair and what is taking the mick by companies might be good


It’s the tax paid by richest 10% that fund the system.

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Your words so I will assume you are the one with the problem.


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 20:48 ----------



It’s the tax paid by richest 10% that fund the system.



So they're too poor to pay a decent wage but rich enough to belong to the richest 10% :confused:

Anyway what happened to a 'fair days pay for a fair days work'?


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 21:30 ----------


Well isn't it how the trashy DM or their readership portray children by implication? "Trashy families".


Maybe you could attempt at replying to the post rather than cherry picking.


Your right ron, part of the sickening hypocrisy of the Mail is to pretend that it cares about the plight of the children, when in reality it's main point is about how much these children cost, and other pages are filled with stories that whip up fear about children whose parents are on benefits (what the paper likes to call 'feral Britain').

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I don't think Philpotts crime will be on the governments mind for long (nor the Daily Mails)


Warmer weather is around the corner, and LOTS of people are Pee'd off..


They will have bigger fish to fry soon (IMO)

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It went out the window with globalisation.


So it's a race to the bottom, except for a global elite who want a bigger and greedier sum of money?

And what about the bosses that are too poor to pay a decent wage but rich enough to belong to the richest 10%

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So it's a race to the bottom, except for a global elite who want a bigger and greedier sum of money?

And what about the bosses that are too poor to pay a decent wage but rich enough to belong to the richest 10%


It will be if you make the UK uncompetitive.

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So it's a race to the bottom, except for a global elite who want a bigger and greedier sum of money?


Instead of countries having local economies, we now have multinationals that trade worldwide. So the workers in this country, are competing with the workers in China and Japan; so yes, its a race downwards.

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