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I read the Daily Mail today. Gobsmacked.

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By setting the minimum wage to the living wage level for a start


Right, so we increase the minimum wage making no one better off, and in doing so we increase unemployment because some companies will just move abroad. That sounds like aplan.

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Instead of countries having local economies, we now have multinationals that trade worldwide. So the workers in this country, are competing with the workers in China and Japan; so yes, its a race downwards.


In the original post I gave examples of Asda and Tescos, and although I acknowledge that asking for £20 per hour would make the country uncompetitive, and make Tescos and Asda think twice about opening a new

store I doubt whther they would threaten to go abroad as they have millions of consumers over here.

Rather than capitualte to the ideolgy promoted in the Daily Mail which has led to a huge gap between rich and poor should there not be some sense of fair play?

And I still don't understand how bosses can be too poor to pay a decent wage but rich enough to belong to the richest 10%.

Incidentally Germany has remained fairly competitive without sacrificing standards

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In the original post I gave examples of Asda and Tescos, and although I acknowledge that asking for £20 per hour would make the country uncompetitive, and make Tescos and Asda think twice about opening a new

store I doubt whther they would threaten to go abroad as they have millions of consumers over here.

Rather than capitualte to the ideolgy promoted in the Daily Mail which has led to a huge gap between rich and poor should there not be some sense of fair play?

And I still don't understand how bosses can be too poor to pay a decent wage but rich enough to belong to the richest 10%.


Have you not seen those self service tills, maybe they would just open more and do away with the till staff.

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It would have made no difference whatsoever. What you are implying is Phillpot's social awareness is based on his ability to care about what is wrong and what is right. Removing access to the benefits system would have no impact on any wrong or right decision. Phillpot for all intense and purpose would procreate regardless of any responsibility the general population take. Phillpots mentality is, 'my responsibility ends when I knock her up'. Now if you're proposing castration as a solution to his, or anyone like his antics, then that's a whole new question.


As a social force collectively, it is our responsibility to make sure the innocent (children) of his actions are not ignored. You may have a problem with trashy 'kids' but that's how it works.


Hold on, how come mr smith isn't allowed to definately claim that philpott was a product of the benefits system but you can say he definately would have had kids regardless ?


Neither of you know !

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Minimum wage rises 'could hit jobs'



We are on topic.:)


That article was from 2003/2004, not withstanding the banking crisis (which was not caused by low paid workers), has the minimum wage rise cost the UK jobs


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 22:18 ----------


Have you not seen those self service tills, maybe they would just open more and do away with the till staff.


Yes you're quite right Mr Smith, instead of having minimum wage and minimum standards low paid staff of tescos and Asda should have no rights; and the customers should be allowed to verbally abuse them as this would no doubt increase their custom and stop supermarkets bringing in self service tills.:rolleyes:


Incidentally how are bosses too poor to pay a decent wage but rich enough to belong to the richest 10%?

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Hold on, how come mr smith isn't allowed to definately claim that philpott was a product of the benefits system but you can say he definately would have had kids regardless ?


Neither of you know !


I don't think I claimed he was definitely a product of the benefits system, but you do make a very good point. :)

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