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I read the Daily Mail today. Gobsmacked.

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Whats even sadder is the tax payer is still having to pay for two despicable human beings to be imprisoned, give them mouldy ASDA smart price bread and water that is not clean, no luxuries like television to play games and chocolate and crap GIVE EM NOTHING it really makes my blood boil. :)

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Just found this online, set up before the Police turned their attention on Philpott: Who never missed a trick.......


***Welcome to the official website on behalf of the Philpott family.

This is an official page for those who wish to leave tributes, donations and comment for the tragic loss of 6 beautiful children belonging to Mick and Mairead Philpott. This website is aimed at sharing information both in the UK and internationally to BRING IN DONATIONS which will help towards the childrens funerals, REBUILDING THEIR HOME and more importantly, REBUILDING THEIR LIVES


This website is supported by the Philpott family.................

OSCAR (Osmaston Community Association of Residents) is working closely with PHILPOT'S ANGELS and the Philpott family and if you have any enquiries with regards to OSCAR then the contact details can be found below...


Jailed jobless father-of-17 Mick Philpott was 'earning' the equivalent of over £100,000 salary in benefits and wages from his wife and live-in lover, it emerged today.

The violent, alleged drug user, forced wife Mairead and mistress Lisa Willis to pay all their money from cleaning jobs and child tax credits into his bank account while he lounged on the settee watching TV. Or appearing on it.. he revelled in his 'fame' and probably thought he was invincible.. Psycopaths usually do

But even that wasn't enough for the former soldier, who hatched a plan to frame Miss Willis for the fire which killed six of this children in an appalling attempt to secure a larger council house.


Words used to describe Philpott's attitude to women include "controlling", "domineering", "violent", and "manipulative".

In July 1978, aged 21, while absent without leave from the army, Philpott attempted to murder his girlfriend Kim Hill, with whom he had been conducting a two-year relationship, which began when Hill was 15.

Philpott had previously been violent to his girlfriend, including shooting her in the groin with a crossbow because he felt her dress was too short, and cracking her kneecap with a hammer when she paid too much attention to a baby she was minding.

Philpott attempted to kill Hill because she sent him a letter saying she was splitting up with him.

He stabbed her over a dozen times as she was lying in bed. He stabbed her mother when she came to her daughter's aid. Hill suffered collapsed lungs, and a punctured bladder, kidney and liver, which she believes caused her subsequent liver cancer.

Philpott was convicted of attempted murder of Hill, and grievous bodily harm with intent against her mother, and was sentenced to SEVEN YEARS in prison in December 1978. Philpott was RELEASED AFTER THREE YEARS and TWO MONTHS.

Philpott married Pamela Lomax in 1986. He had THREE children with Lomax, two sons and a daughter. Lomax said that Philpott was controlling, and she prayed he would move on to someone else.

Her wish was fulfilled when Philpott met Heather Kehoe, then aged 14, in Rainworth, Nottinghamshire. Philpott was 37. On her 16th birthday, Kehoe ran away from her parents to live with Philpott. Kehoe gave birth to TWO children, both boys, in quick succession, but Philpott wanted a daughter, and beat Kehoe in response.

Kehoe described Philpott teaching his older sons to be violent against her. Philpott wanted Kehoe to produce more children, but she did not get pregnant again. When Kehoe tried to run away, Philpott threatened her with violence, that he would do with her as he had done with Kim Hill.


In 1991, Philpott was given a two-year conditional discharge for assault occasioning actual bodily harm for headbutting a colleague.


In 2000, Philpott met Mairead Duffy, a 19-year-old single mother born in England to an Irish family, who had left a previous abusive relationship.

She moved in to Philpott's house shortly after, and the couple married in May 2003.

In 2001, Philpott met Lisa Willis, a 16-year-old orphan and single mother. Philpott invited Willis to move into his council house, which was larger than hers, in 2002. After moving in, the pair started a relationship, and Philpott began to beat Willis, attacking her with a piece of wood, after accusing her about lying over the father of her child.

Lisa Willis was bridesmaid at the wedding of Mick and Mairead, despite being Mick's mistress.

Mick Philpott was a violent man who preyed on young and damaged women from troubled backgrounds


In 23 December 2002, having left Philpott, Kehoe finally gained legal custody of her two children. Philpott marked this event each year by smashing the family's Christmas tree, the violence showing his anger at his children being taken away.

2006–2007 media coverage

Philpott was heavily criticised in the tabloid media in 2006 when he requested a larger council house to house his family, which then consisted of his wife Mairead Philpott, then aged 25, his mistress Lisa Willis, then 22, and FOUR children born to Mrs. Philpott, THREE to Lisa Willis, and Lisa Willis's child fathered prior to meeting him. The 1978 conviction for attempted murder was also revealed at this time.

After Lisa Willis gave birth to her fourth child by Philpott in 2006, the press revealed that both she and Mairead Philpott were expecting babies due in March 2007. Before their birth, Philpott appeared on THE JEREMY KYLE Show in 2007 to defend his lifestyle, saying that he would like to marry one woman and divorce the other, and added that he would have a vasectomy.

He appeared in a documentary IN 2007 'Ann Widdecombe Versus the Benefits Culture' in which the former Conservative minister Ann Widdecombe spent a week with him and tried to get him to change his lifestyle. Nancy Banks-Smith in The Guardian reported that she gave him "a large slice of her mind", but "decamped" rather than sleep in his caravan. Widdecombe found Philpott three jobs.... one of which was with a barrel-making firm, but he did not turn up for work on the first day and the job fell through.


He has had no further children.... However, it was revealed during his manslaughter trial that Mairead became pregnant 'to another man while the couple were DOGGING', an activity in which they began to participate during 2011 Mick instructed Mairead to have an abortion, which she did.

In 2010 he was given a police caution for slapping his wife and dragging her outside by her hair.

A court hearing a week before the fire concerned a Road Rage incident during November 2011 in which he had punched another driver, and had pleaded guilty to common assault, but denies dangerous driving. At the hearing Philpott was bailed and was awaiting trial.....

Philpott and Lisa Willis became estranged in February 2012, and she left to live with her sister and brother-in-law, along with her four children by Philpott and her son by a different father. On the day of the fire, intended as a means of framing Willis to gain child custody, Philpott and Willis were due in court for a hearing over custody of the children.


On 11 May 2012, the family's home at 18 Victory Road, Allenton, Derby, was seriously damaged by fire and the six children dies.

There was widespread horror at the death of so many children in one fire, with a special service to remember the children held in the family's Catholic church.

Philpott and his wife held an emotional news conference in the days following the fire, in which they purported to describe the events concering the fire.

On May 14th, police stated that petrol had been found inside the letterbox, thus sparking a murder investigation.


Philpott was behaving erratically for someone who had recently lost several of his children, according to witnesses, and appeared to like the attention.

The police bugged the Philpotts' hotel room, gaining evidence confirming the couple were responsible for the fire. including the involvement of Mosley, with whom Mairead Philpott was heard engaging in a sex act.

Philpott and his wife were arrested on suspicion of murder on 28 May 2012. After seeking additional time for questioning, the couple were charged with murder on 30 May 2012. A discarded petrol container and glove had been found near the house, and in November the forensic investigators found the clothes of the Philpotts and Mosley had petrol on them.

A charity, CATCH ME WHEN I FALL, was set up by local residents to help the family of the children. A book of condolence at Derby Cathedral was later signed by hundreds of people. A FUND TO PAY FOR THE FUNERALS raised over £11,000 by members of the public living in the same area as the Philpott family. The funeral of the children took place on 22 June 2012 at St Mary's Church, Derby. Mick and Mairead Philpott, by then on remand on murder charges, were denied leave to attend.

As a result of the trial, Lisa Willis and her children were given a new legal identity, in order to protect them from being the subject of media attention.***


I think the point that some people are missing is that the Daily Mail [which I don't read becasue it contains too much propaganda. even for me to swallow]actually did us all a favour, because it got us talking about and looking at the problems of the Welfare State and how it affects the ''aspirations of Scum like Philpot'' ... and as many of people have identified, there ARE other people with exactly the same midset as he has; living in Social Housing....

Denying this will not make it go away.......

Social Housing was initially developed to enable the ''poorer workers'' who could not buy their own homes - to have access to decent low rent housing. Unfortunately too many of these properties have been given to people who didn't give a damn how much they abused the places, because they knew the council would pick up the tabs and repair the places. There have been whole estates demolished because they were considered too expensive to repair.....

When I worked in Family Support was to enable a woman and her two kids to get new central heating, only to find that when they did a moonlihgt flit to avoid paying years of back rent... they had ripped out all the central heating pipes.. I am presuming for the scrap value. They were discovered to have moved in with a freind and were pursued via the courts, but as far as I know nothing ever happened? A few years later.. the kids went on to have illegitimate children, who were then removed into care because they were so badly neglected.....

This is the real story of people like Philpot.. who make everybody elses lives an adsolute misery.. and bring the reputation of Council Estates down, when in point of fact 99% of people living in Social Housing are decent ''hard working'' people trying to get by on unrealisticly low wages, or genuinely unable to work, through no fault of their own. ie;. disability or redundancy

We would have to be out of our minds to believe that the welfare state supports those really in need...... It doesn't. Far too much finds its way into the pockets of those like the Philpots; who know their way round the system...

And it is time for a massive overhaul. IMO.

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Long and well thought out post Catpus but the reality is that the philpotts are not typical benefits claimants. If even 1% of claimants were like the Philpotts then maybe there would be a discussion to be had but as others pointed out there are only 200 families out of several million families that have a similar profile.


The only favours the Mail is doing are for the Tories. It's dog whistle politics courtesy of Tory media strategists. So sorry you fell for it.

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I find it slightly hypocritical that so many of our lefty thinking (Owen Jones) type posters get so enraged, when it is suggested that Philpott is a by-product of the benefits culture, and are happy to totally disassociate the fact that he relied on the welfare state. (Nobody at the DM or on here, has suggested it was the sole reason for his atrocious crime or behaviour generally BTW !)

These same posters like the left thinking media generally are happy to demonise other things when they dont agree with them, politically or socially, but are outraged when others do so. It works both ways IMHO !

They would be on here claiming how being socially or educationally disadvantaged or being reliant on benefits has led people into committing other crimes or misdemeanors, and seeking all manner of social and economic excuses and reasoning for the actions of certain members of society.

It's the same hypocrisy that mocks the readership of the DM and the Sun yet they cant help reading them online themselves ....... :huh:

It seems to me that many are happy to demonise others for whatever suits their political agenda without realising they are guilty of having the same attitudes or worse than those they oppose.

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