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I read the Daily Mail today. Gobsmacked.

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I find it slightly hypocritical that so many of our lefty thinking (Owen Jones) type posters get so enraged, when it is suggested that Philpott is a by-product of the benefits culture, and are happy to totally disassociate the fact that he relied on the welfare state. (Nobody at the DM or on here, has suggested it was the sole reason for his atrocious crime or behaviour generally BTW !)

These same posters like the left thinking media generally are happy to demonise other things when they dont agree with them, politically or socially, but are outraged when others do so. It works both ways IMHO !

They would be on here claiming how being socially or educationally disadvantaged or being reliant on benefits has led people into committing other crimes or misdemeanors, and seeking all manner of social and economic excuses and reasoning for the actions of certain members of society.It's the same hypocrisy that mocks the readership of the DM and the Sun yet they cant help reading them online themselves ....... :huh:

It seems to me that many are happy to demonise others for whatever suits their political agenda without realising they are guilty of having the same attitudes or worse than those they oppose.


Very interesting you should say that Michael, because the Daily Mail, and other right wing people/organisations used to excorciate the left on criminal justice policy saying "the left simply blame crime on social and economic factors". Yet in the case of Philpot the Daily Mail explicitly linked his crimes with the welfare state.

You're right Michael nobody can have it both ways!

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The devil makes work for idle hands.



But the devil makes work for busy hands too. Peter Sutcliffe and Harold Shipman both worked, both were prolific murderers.

Philpot's wife and mistress both worked, even Philpot worked as well.

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But the devil makes work for busy hands too. Peter Sutcliffe and Harold Shipman both worked, both were prolific murderers.

Philpot's wife and mistress both worked, even Philpot worked as well.


The big difference there is that Peter Sutcliffe and Harold Shipman where murderers, whilst Philpot's wife, mistress and Philpot aren't.

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The problem with the Daily Mail, & several other papers for that matter, is that it invariably works to an agenda. It does so in order to appeal to it's particular readership which it characterizes as ' It's all the foreigners, immigrants,youth of today, benefit scroungers travelers fault' no matter what the question may have been, type of people. It does so in order to sell newspapers which is all it really cares about.

Now, if it was looking for an outside reason which may have had an impact on Philpots behavior & caused him to act in the way he did why didn't it look into the fact that he was an ex British Army soldier? Surely the impact of army basic training & the Regimental ethos encouraged & instilled by the army would have more effect on a persons character than living off benefits? There is also the fact that- according to a BBC program I heard last week-ex army personnel are three times more likely than other people to end up in prison. Now there's an interesting correlation which may have proven enlightening to investigate. But that wouldn't fit the Mails agenda would it? After all army personnel ex or otherwise are 'Our Boys' &' Heroes' to Mail readers.


The truth is of course it had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Philpot was ex army nor the fact that he took advantage of the benefit system. What caused Mick Philpot to act in the way he did was that he was Mick Philpot, a miserable excuse for a human being who's only thought was for his own self gratification.


That hasn't stopped the Mail, nor the Government, in trying to exploit the deaths of six innocent children for their own purposes.

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Yes I was aware of that thanks


So there's no comparison then and what Peter Sutcliffe and Harold Shipman did is irrelevant to the topic.


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 21:13 ----------


The problem with the Daily Mail, & several other papers for that matter, is that it invariably works to an agenda. It does so in order to appeal to it's particular readership which it characterizes as ' It's all the foreigners, immigrants,youth of today, benefit scroungers travelers fault' no matter what the question may have been, type of people. It does so in order to sell newspapers which is all it really cares about.

Now, if it was looking for an outside reason which may have had an impact on Philpots behavior & caused him to act in the way he did why didn't it look into the fact that he was an ex British Army soldier? Surely the impact of army basic training & the Regimental ethos encouraged & instilled by the army would have more effect on a persons character than living off benefits? There is also the fact that- according to a BBC program I heard last week-ex army personnel are three times more likely than other people to end up in prison. Now there's an interesting correlation which may have proven enlightening to investigate. But that wouldn't fit the Mails agenda would it? After all army personnel ex or otherwise are 'Our Boys' &' Heroes' to Mail readers.


The truth is of course it had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Philpot was ex army nor the fact that he took advantage of the benefit system. What caused Mick Philpot to act in the way he did was that he was Mick Philpot, a miserable excuse for a human being who's only thought was for his own self gratification.


That hasn't stopped the Mail, nor the Government, in trying to exploit the deaths of six innocent children for their own purposes.


That would be down to the type of person that is more likley to join the army.

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So there's no comparison then and what Peter Sutcliffe and Harold Shipman did is irrelevant to the topic.


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 21:13 ----------



That would be down to the type of person that is more likley to join the army.


Yes there is because I was replying to a post which made the statement "The devil makes work for idle hands". Sorry are you now a moderator to decide what's relevant?


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 21:29 ----------


The problem with the Daily Mail, & several other papers for that matter, is that it invariably works to an agenda. It does so in order to appeal to it's particular readership which it characterizes as ' It's all the foreigners, immigrants,youth of today, benefit scroungers travelers fault' no matter what the question may have been, type of people. It does so in order to sell newspapers which is all it really cares about.

Now, if it was looking for an outside reason which may have had an impact on Philpots behavior & caused him to act in the way he did why didn't it look into the fact that he was an ex British Army soldier? Surely the impact of army basic training & the Regimental ethos encouraged & instilled by the army would have more effect on a persons character than living off benefits? There is also the fact that- according to a BBC program I heard last week-ex army personnel are three times more likely than other people to end up in prison. Now there's an interesting correlation which may have proven enlightening to investigate. But that wouldn't fit the Mails agenda would it? After all army personnel ex or otherwise are 'Our Boys' &' Heroes' to Mail readers.


The truth is of course it had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Philpot was ex army nor the fact that he took advantage of the benefit system. What caused Mick Philpot to act in the way he did was that he was Mick Philpot, a miserable excuse for a human being who's only thought was for his own self gratification.


That hasn't stopped the Mail, nor the Government, in trying to exploit the deaths of six innocent children for their own purposes.


Very good post mjw.

I did notice that in the wake of the regulator's report into HBOS, George Osborne or his mninions haven't taken to the airwaves to tarnish the name of bankers or culture of banking. Strange that.

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