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I read the Daily Mail today. Gobsmacked.

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No he wasn't "being paid to have children", He was however taking advantage of the system.


You will always get people doing that if they know how the system works.


My point is that there IS a system, and although sometimes it is misused, the alternative is very VERY scary.


Best post of the thread. Might be a bit too balanced to make the daily mail letters page !

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It does. And balls are difficult to stitch back on in the (unlikely :rolleyes:) event of our justice system getting it wrong.


You can release a man from an indeterminate sentence quite easily though.


Life or balls off and 15 years would seem a fair offer for child rapists like this individual. Then it;s their choice.

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If he'd had his balls chopped off when he tried to kill the child he'd been raping for three years then we wouldn't be having this conversation. But somone will probably say that breaches his "human rights".


If this, If that .... it makes no difference now.


The deed has been done & hopefully justice will prevail in all cases against Philpott


But back on topic, I don't think that sensationalising a horrific isolated case is any excuse to sell newspapers no matter what "spin" is put on it.


Surely the FACT that he has been found guilty of his crimes should be enough.



What next? 'Philpott watched Tellytubbies in the 90's ... Let's demonise evil looking babies with their faces outlined by the sun' ???


jeez... we could go on forever...

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The notion that Philpott had kids to get extra cash is nonsense; seen within the context of the case the thing about kids was virility and proving his manhood.

A desperately sad and awful case whichever way you look at it.


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 00:21 ----------


What do people think, should his wife Maraid receive the same sentence as him?


Yes, She was equally stupid, thoughtless and idiotic as her husband. She may have been the junior partner in the enterprise on account of her violent and controlling husband, but at any one of a thousand opportunities she could have

stopped what was happening and didn't.

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Yes, She was equally stupid, thoughtless and idiotic as her husband. She may have been the junior partner in the enterprise on account of her violent and controlling husband, but at any one of a thousand opportunities she could have

stopped what was happening and didn't.



Yep! I agree there... Just because it's a woman doesn't mean she was incapable of free thought, She could have pulled out (fnarr fnarr) at any point.


She didn't.

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Yep! I agree there... Just because it's a woman doesn't mean she was incapable of free thought, She could have pulled out (fnarr fnarr) at any point.


She didn't.


I wonder whether she will be judged more harshly as time passes.

I remember watching a documentary about the Moors murderers and about how although Ian Brady was the controlling partner, Hindley was seen by the public to be more reprehensible as she was a woman.

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I love this in today's. A woman is concerned about dogging:


I nearly stopped walking there myself after coming across three men engaged in a sex act I had never even heard of before I actually saw it. I felt troubled that my dog had witnessed it, never mind a child.
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He may have gone to med school instead and become a serial killer like Harold Shipman. Are the Mail saying that all GPs are psychopaths?


It wasn't the system of handouts that made Phillpott into a killer. But it was certainly the reason he based his life around producing endless kids and his determination to gain custody of those of his ex-mistress.

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