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Murder 6 children - Get 15 Years BUT Copper steals £1m - Gets 23 Years

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Now WHERE in my post do I mention murder, please point that out to me I know what he got, and I've said what he deserves; I mean if you condone killing 6 kids, yes killing them; all I can do is weep.


Is this good enough?


"But JFK they did a dummy run, so it was premeditated and it should have been murder mate"


And don't you DARE! say that I condone killing 6 kids!!!!!!!!!

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Now WHERE in my post do I mention murder, please point that out to me I know what he got, and I've said what he deserves; I mean if you condone killing 6 kids, yes killing them; all I can do is weep.


Oh stop it for Christs sake..no one has condoned any such act.

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There have been many comments on here as to what the law requires to be proven to obtain a conviction for murder. It is not evidence of an intent to kill - just consider how many arguments could be presented to prevent a conviction if that were the law. It is why trying to prove attempted murder is often very hard indeed - you do have to prove an intention to kill.

You must prove an intention to cause really serious harm (GBH) to convict someone of murder. As some have correctly observed the Crown never suggested in this case he intended to cause serious harm, actually it was exactly the opposite. He wanted to be the rescuing hero of the children, destroy the house and improve his position in the custody dispute. All very warped but warranted prosecution for manslaughter.


The sentence was a discretionary life sentence, people have missed the judge's comments about his dangerousness which will have an impact on his prospects of release as will the fact he has a previous conviction for serious violence and was on bail for another violent offence at the time.

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Is this good enough?


"But JFK they did a dummy run, so it was premeditated and it should have been murder mate"


And don't you DARE! say that I condone killing 6 kids!!!!!!!!!


No I said it should have been murder, not it was, well please don't write with such flippancy; I know you don't but I just asked the question. In all honesty nobody would, sorry is that better for you. I didn't say you did condone it, I said quite clearly IF, there is a big difference & I still stand by the fact I hope he's found with his throat slit.


Oh and don't shout at me just because I'm deaf, if it not nice.

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The copper was dealing in death [heroin] big time and got what he deserved.


True plus his sentance stands as a deterrent to others. After all, many people would be tempted by the chance of some easy money.

Most people dont need a deterrent not to murder.

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