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Murder 6 children - Get 15 Years BUT Copper steals £1m - Gets 23 Years

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I had - and before the last edit the reply suggested that too........... now am more confused than ever (but really not needing an answer - was just an observation and is derailing the thread a little).


Its me thats made the mistake then,I didn't for one second think he meant personally.So waht does tha make him then?A lawyer?or someone with really dodgy friends? lol

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Mick Philpott used his benefit money wisely by all accounts sex on pool tables, drugs, dogging a waste of money he should have been cut off years ago. I completely agree if he wanted a football team he should have been working to pay for them, he did not deserve those children and they did not deserve despicable parents like them or to die in that way why do children come so easily to people like them?? and hardworking honest people struggle to have a child they actually want and would love and nurture not use as a meal ticket to get benefits always the same story so so sad whats even sadder is we still have to pay for him and his wife whilst they are in prison the sentence given was not long enough at all it is a joke. :(

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There must be a point where willful stupidity resulting in death becomes murder. If I took an automatic machine gun, blindfolded myself and held down the trigger whilst waving it around and killed someone would that not be murder?



The title of this thread is ridiculous by the way-he got a life sentence not 15 years.


The judge imposed the maximum possible sentence for manslaughter.

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