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David cameron shows his true colours

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North Korea is a rogue state controlled by what appears to be an immature delusional young man who may be influenced by old 'hawkish' generals. They also have nuclear capability, so bit of a worry all round.

I am inclined to think however that this situation will be resolved by the USA, Russia & China sitting down & deciding what they want to happen.

Only if one or more of those three have a vested interest in this war taking place will it happen. Always a chance one of them does of course!


As far as Trident is concerned, I was informed that we are unable to launch without Americas permission. Should that be true then we should scrap it. £20 billion for a weapon we aren't in total control of is nonsense. Given the level of security that surrounds nuclear weapons I don't see why we can't scrap it & claim it's still in commission.

After the cold war was over the Soviets & Americans carried out inspections on each others launch sites. Apparently a considerable number of the Soviet sites were inoperable due to lack of finance. The Russians found it highly amusing.

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Hes told us all in a press conference that N korea have missiles that can strike europe, so therefore can hit the uk...when clearly n korea dont...

Hes clutching at straws now for votes because, hes going to try and make us think that hes protecting us...



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


what colour would this be? or are you mixing your metaphors ?


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 21:52 ----------


Thats a good point.


Yep do we really want to be a sitting duck for crackpot dictators? The only reason the likes of Iran, syria and others in the region have not slaughtered Israel is because they know they dont have a hope in hell of surviving any attack.


What should we do, dismantle our nuclear deterrent and when one of these states, who are ALL trying to obtain nuclear technology, creates a bomb rebuild our own. Nope because we will all have a permanent orange afros before we even started from the fall out.


The world is not a safer place than it was in the 70's. So why should we take away one of our weapons?

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I'm not sure that Trident will be the deciding factor in the North Korean crisis ( as the Mail will surely call it).


China, the ex Soviet states and the USA have the capability and probably the political will to put the North Koreans in their place.


Which raises the question: What is Trident for?


Angela Smith had an article in the Guardian the other day in support of it, from a deterrance point of view and as a catalyst for engineering advancement.


I'd like to humbly suggest that if we wish to spend £20Bn + on an engineering project, we might like to start with energy security, not nuclear weapons.

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Just like Blair and weapons of mass destruction.


Red or blue it matters not.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Yeah.... lest ye forget.......


As a mark of respect for the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September 2001, the announcement of Duncan Smith's victory in the leadership contest was delayed until 13 September 2001. In November 2001, he was one of the first politicians to call for an invasion of Iraq and held talks in Washington, DC, with senior US officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz


source WIKI

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