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Is George Osbourne trying to get sacked?

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That's pretty much what I said, and it doesn't alter the fact of who caused the mess in the first place, or do you blame the firebrigade for not putting the fire out quickly enough rather than Phillpott for lighting it?


The global financial crisis created the mess. It is what tipped the UK into a crisis.


Notice that Osborne is quick to use external factors like the Eurozone crisis to explain his own failure. But he insists on trying to portray the global crisis of 2008-9 as a uniquely British thing. It wasn't. It was global. It nearly took down banks and economies in many countries.


I'm not defending Labour for one minute. In the good times they did spend more than they should have but they weren't consistently massively overspending before 2008. They should have regulated better. They should have done more with welfare. They should have build more homes. Basically they made a series of huge mistakes.


I'm a strong believer that to fix a problem you need to understand it first. Osborne shows a peculiar talent to understand neither his own mistakes or those of the previous government. It's fantasy economics and it isn't working.

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Train crashes take a lot of clearing up. What a pity the one eyed moron ran our train so far off the rails.


If you are claiming it is getting back on the rails you're deluded.


The situation has been made worse. Osborne has failed. The country doesn't trust him. His party doesn't want him.




The article explains it better than I can.

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MrSmith you are so predicable with your off the cuff remarks. Do you not know that people on incapacity benefit or the new employment and support allowance do not get a blue badge and therefore it doesn’t matter how many come off those benefits it will make no difference to the amount of blue badge holders and the amount of disabled parking spaces.


You can get a badge if:

you receive the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance


you are registered blind


you receive a War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement


you have a permanent and substantial disability which means you cannot walk, or have very considerable difficulty walking - in this case your doctor may be asked to answer a series of questions to confirm your eligibility for a badge


you drive a vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms and are unable to operate, or have considerable difficulty operating, all or some types of parking meter


children under the age of two, if they have a disability due to a medical condition and need to travel with bulky equipment, or to be close to a vehicle for emergency medical treatment, may be eligible for a badge


Take you blinkers off and find yourself an outdoor activity well away from a computer (sky diving or base jumping would be good):loopy:


It Wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but since you made it more that it was.


Blue badge ‘life line’ could be taken away


TEN thousand blue-badge holders face losing their right to up to three hours of free parking in the city council’s car parks.


Controversial plans to scrap the free parking enjoyed by Blue Badge holders have been given the go ahead - despite strong opposition to the scheme.


Thousands of disabled people in Leicestershire may lose blue badge

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Curiously the only politician who before the 2010 election really understood the mess Labour had made and the mess the Tories were about to make was Vince Cable




But he just let Osborne do his worst anyway.

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The global financial crisis created the mess. It is what tipped the UK into a crisis.



But only because we were spending well over what we could afford, had massive debts and huge unaffordable commitments.


What happened was predicted, expected and inevitable and labour ignored the warnings and stayed on the debt train whilst it ran off the cliff. It’s going to take a while to get back on the tracks.

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I doubt the Tories would have kept the train on the track had they been in power.



That's hardly the point is it. Perhaps they would, perhaps they wouldn't. What is certain is that Labour were in power when it crashed. I suppose you are of the opinion that had Philpott not burned his kids to death someone else would have.

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But only because we were spending well over what we could afford, had massive debts and huge unaffordable commitments.


What happened was predicted, expected and inevitable and labour ignored the warnings and stayed on the debt train whilst it ran off the cliff. It’s going to take a while to get back on the tracks.


The Tories throughout the last parliament pledged to match Labour's spending. Osborne made the commitment himself.

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That's hardly the point is it. Perhaps they would, perhaps they wouldn't.


The Conservatives would have done nothing to stop the banking crisis.


"The City is a great example of using our advantages.The City of London is a great UK success story. It’s the biggest international financial centre on earth.


The London foreign exchange market is the largest in the world, with an average daily turnover of $504 billion. That’s more than New York and Tokyo combined.


Far from being based on the old school tie, it is supremely meritocratic. It is also highly innovative. You cannot simply set in stone a tax or regulatory regime for the City as it is today because it’s always changing, adapting and mutating.


The lessons from the City are clear. Low tax. Low regulation. Meritocracy. Openness. Innovation. These are the keys to success".


David Cameron in 2006.



I suppose you are of the opinion that had Philpott not burned his kids to death someone else would have.


You're just being silly now Anna.

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MrSmith you are so predicable with your off the cuff remarks. Do you not know that people on incapacity benefit or the new employment and support allowance do not get a blue badge and therefore it doesn’t matter how many come off those benefits it will make no difference to the amount of blue badge holders and the amount of disabled parking spaces.


You can get a badge if:

you receive the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance


you are registered blind


you receive a War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement


you have a permanent and substantial disability which means you cannot walk, or have very considerable difficulty walking - in this case your doctor may be asked to answer a series of questions to confirm your eligibility for a badge


you drive a vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms and are unable to operate, or have considerable difficulty operating, all or some types of parking meter


children under the age of two, if they have a disability due to a medical condition and need to travel with bulky equipment, or to be close to a vehicle for emergency medical treatment, may be eligible for a badge


Take you blinkers off and find yourself an outdoor activity well away from a computer (sky diving or base jumping would be good):loopy:



Like I said before, you can't get a blue badge when you are on incapacity benefit or esa, read your own links :rolleyes:

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