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Is George Osbourne trying to get sacked?

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Who is the 'we' you're talking about?


The country as a collective.


This sounds like a direct quote from 'call me Dave' Cameron. Did you ever question it, or did you just believe it because he said it?


I am in the same boat as you and the problem wasn't just caused by the government, the population also contributes to the problem.



If the government were spending more than they could afford who's fault is that? I can't say I noticed money being lavished in my direction, or services improving greatly so where was the money going? Certainly not into infrastructure. Most of that was PFI funded - again a bright idea of the government which anyone could have told them was doomed to failure.

It’s gone into a bottomless pit of incompetence and wastefulness.

Before you tell me it was the previous government, I blame both parties. It took a long time to reach this point. They are equally guilty. Maggie sold off the family silver, Gordon sold off the gold, Maggie deregulated the banks, Gordon told us there would be no more boom and bust.... Blair took us into a very expensive war for heavens sake... Bad, bad government, poor decisions.

The population are responsible for electing governments; the people that want government to give them lots of freebies are just as culpable as the politicians that need to please the populous to get elected.


Meanwhile the little people like me just got on with it, it's not like we had any say, and even if we had, do you honestly think any of them would have listened?


As a collective we do have a say, we just have to do what the majority want and the majority wanted what we’ve got.

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The country as a collective.




I am in the same boat as you and the problem wasn't just caused by the government, the population also contributes to the problem.




It’s gone into a bottomless pit of incompetence and wastefulness.


The population are responsible for electing governments; the people that want government to give them lots of freebies are just as culpable as the politicians that need to please the populous to get elected.


As a collective we do have a say, we just have to do what the majority want and the majority wanted what we’ve got.







What if none of the parties is worth voting for?

How many times have you heard people moaning that they're all the same? And they're all rubbish?


Then, we usually get a government with about a third of the vote, which means 2 thirds don't get the government they voted for.


Party short lists are decided by the party, and they ensure jobs for the boys, and the old school tie network flourishes. Outsiders rarely get a look in and certainly no one who will rock the boat. So we only get more of the same to vote for.


If it represents the populace how come it isn't roughly 50% women? And why is the cabinet full of millionaires? Hardly representative is it?


The system of government is antiquated and mired in 'tradition' which holds it back and slows it down. It is old fashioned to the point of being no longer fit for purpose. I also believe it's open to corruption.


It's also prohibitively expensive. Are we really getting value for money?


This is what we have to vote for - or not vote at all. Hardly a great choice.

Democracy has become just an illusion. Again, just something for politicians to hide behind

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What if none of the parties is worth voting for?

How many times have you heard people moaning that they're all the same? And they're all rubbish?


Then, we usually get a government with about a third of the vote, which means 2 thirds don't get the government they voted for.


Party short lists are decided by the party, and they ensure jobs for the boys, and the old school tie network flourishes. Outsiders rarely get a look in and certainly no one who will rock the boat. So we only get more of the same to vote for.


If it represents the populace how come it isn't roughly 50% women? And why is the cabinet full of millionaires? Hardly representative is it?


The system of government is antiquated and mired in 'tradition' which holds it back and slows it down. It is old fashioned to the point of being no longer fit for purpose. I also believe it's open to corruption.


It's also prohibitively expensive. Are we really getting value for money?


This is what we have to vote for - or not vote at all. Hardly a great choice.

Democracy has become just an illusion. Again, just something for politicians to hide behind

Despite all that over nearly thirty million people cast their vote in the 2010 election, then there’s the people that took on too much debt, the people that inflated the property bubble, the people that won't work, the greedy people at the top, the people that over consume.

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