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Looking for relatives of Glyn Jones, from Ecclesall.

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Hi guys.

A shot in the dark here but I'm trying to trace any known relatives of Glyn Jones. He lived on Ecclesall Road until about the early 60's I believe. Son of Louis and Olive Jones, born around 1948. I also think he had an Auntie Beatrice who lived in the Parson Cross area until at least the early 70's.

Like I say, its a shot in the dark, but if anyone has any info they think may help me, I'd be very grateful if they could drop me a message.

Many thanks.

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Thanks Cuttsie, but I think that's a different guy. The Glyn Jones I'm asking about (my dad) definitely lived on Ecclesall Road, and may have gone to High Storrs Grammar School.

A long story, but he recently passed away, and I'm trying to find out more about him. I kept in touch with him over the years, and flew back to the UK when he took seriously ill, but he never really discussed his history. I've only really got snippets of info from his second wife.

Thanks again for the reply though.

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  • 3 months later...

I was in the same class as a Glyn Jones at Ecclesall infant and junior school. He would have been born around 1950, though, not 1948. I have a photo of Glyn somewhere, from a class photo taken in about 1957. I don't know where he lived, but it must have been somewhere fairly near the school so Ecclesall Road would fit.

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Thanks for your reply Frances. 1950 sounds a little too late, but there is a possibility my dates are incorrect.


I have since found out that his mum left the family home when he was young, so maybe this might jog a few memories for someone who knew him. I believe he was only about 9 years old when she left.

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Hi strinky - public records show that a Louis F. Jones married an Olive Neil in Sheffield in 1941. A Glyn R. Jones was born in Sheffield in Apr-Jun 1944, his mother's maiden name being given in the index as Neil. This seems likely to have been your dad. A Glyn R. Jones married an Elizabeth J. Fox in Sheffield in 1967.


The 1954 Kelly's Directory shows a Louis F. Jones at 813 Ecclesall Road. He is still there in the 1973 directory (almost the last published). The deaths index shows that a Louis Frederick Jones, born 24 March 1910, died in Sheffield in June 1977. The 1911 census shows Louis as the youngest of six children born to Frank and Harriet Jones of 36 Melbourne Road.


I hope this information is of interest; it might be possible to find living relatives - I can give it a go if you like!.:)


Hi cuttsie - the Glyn Jones you mention was born in Apr-Jun 1943 to Enoch and Elsie Jones of 21 Ridgeway Crescent.

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Hi Hillsbro.


Wow, that's impressive. Most of that fits with what I know, and the Glyn Jones you mention is definitely my father.


The thing that doesn't fit is the marriage of Glyn in 1967. I was born 1966, when both my Mum and Dad still lived in Bedford. Surely this must be another Glyn, (or another twist in the story I'm trying to unravel).


I am very interested in locating living relatives, as from what I know, it's possible I have half brothers or sisters through my Grandmother Olive, although that's where things get very complicated when tracing her whereabouts.


If you'd like to drop me a message, letting me know approx what your charges are, and I'll see where we go from there.


Many thanks for the info you've found for me; it puts a few more pieces into the jigsaw I'm trying to put together.

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Hello again strinky - I'll see where I can get with what you've told me (no charge.:)) Your grandad Louis had a sister Beatrice, who appears as a 15 year-old in the 1911 census, though this doesn't agree with birth dates as per the index. But we know that there are some mistakes in the index, and (1) a Beatrice Jones married a Fred SImpson in Sheffield in 1920, and (2) a Beatrice Simpson died in Sheffield in June 1993, her date of birth being 4 February 1896 - exactly right for the 1911 census entry.


Anyway I'll see where we can go tomorrow (I'm a bit tired tonight - must be the meat & potato pie I had for tea...:().

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Hi Hillsbro,


Many thanks for all your help so far. I'd really appreciate anything you can find out. I have a few other snippets of info should you require them, but I'd prefer to pass those via PM if that's OK.


Please drop me a message at any time, and once again, thanks so much for help.



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Hi David - feel free to PM me with any details you'd like to share. I found your parents' marriage entry in Bedford; there must have been another Glyn R. Jones in Sheffield who was married in 1967 - in fact the electoral roll shows a Glyn R. Jones in S21.

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