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Blair says he would have given Cameron 'a run for his money'

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This is great. Blair, who quite possibly is complicit in war crimes, is less evil than the current government? You couldn't make up some of the ****e you read on here.


I don't deny Blair is a war criminal, led by the nose by Bush and the oil moguls. He should have faced a PROPER inquiry.

But don't tell me the Torys are more humane. Cameron, Osborn, IDS [or IBS ??] are making life intolerable for the vulnerable. To snare a few cretins like the Philpotts they are willing to persecute hundreds of thousands of genuine people, threatening to take away their much needed benefits. Not to mention destroying their dignity.

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This is great. Blair, who quite possibly is complicit in war crimes, is less evil than the current government? You couldn't make up some of the ****e you read on here.[/quote


Tories voted for the war, so they are also complicit in a war crime.




Tories are also guilty of crimes against humanity for their attack on the poor and the disabled who they are forcing to live in poverty so that their banker friends can have a massive tax cut.

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This is great. Blair, who quite possibly is complicit in war crimes, is less evil than the current government? You couldn't make up some of the ****e you read on here.


Did The Tories support the invasion of Iraq ?

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By 1990 she had become an electoral liability, which Blair never was.


Blair as Labour leader;


1997 - 13,518,167 votes or 43.2%


2001 - 10,724,953 votes or 40.7%


2005 - 9,552,436 votes or 35.2%


In 2007, just before he resigned as PM, Labour got 26% in the local elections.


So Blair managed to lose 4 million votes at general elections despite not being an electoral liability, eh? After 2005 the Tories got Cameron as leader following the unelectable Hague and Howard, and the banking collapses hit Labour hard. As did the expenses scandal. Both of these date back to Blair's time as PM. Blair would have got massacred just as much as Brown did.

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Bliar is a war criminal, and should be arrested as such.


Short memories on here, don't forget the note left by NEW LIEbour, no brass left, or words to that effect. Had Bliar stayed on we would now be a bankrupt Country, in a worse condition than we are now. As for Gormless Gordon, the mind boggles as to what would have been the effect of him still in power.


Vote UKIP you know it makes sense.




Probably still have a growing economy.


And I know you have trouble grasping this concept but it was the bankers who caused the banking crisis. If Cameron had been in office he would have done the same as Brown in proping up the banks.


The bankers caused the deficit. Cameron and Osborne insist they still have their high salaries and bonuses and the deficit be paid off by taking it from the rest of us. That includes you.

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This is great. Blair, who quite possibly is complicit in war crimes, is less evil than the current government? You couldn't make up some of the ****e you read on here.


Here are the votes against.

Labour 28% against

Conservative 10% against

Lib/dem 100% against


But I totally agree,

"You couldn't make up some of the ****e you read on here"

Well said:D

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Here are the votes against.

Labour 28% against

Conservative 10% against

Lib/dem 100% against


But I totally agree,

"You couldn't make up some of the ****e you read on here"

Well said:D


This is the reason The Tories don't use the old war criminal line too often as it would be so easy to prove they were implicated.The more rabid of their supporters however don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant.only the Lib Dems have the moral highground on this point.

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