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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Joe are you banning comment on something which is in the news, is concerning to many people and is a 'real' threat for the sake of upsetting a few people who are sayig (and many more thinking) these things...


I'm not banning comment at all - just requesting that some of the more facetious attempts at humour on a 'serious' thread don't give soemone an excuse to de-rail it.


That's all. We've not 'banned' any comment on this news story. I'm aware it's a real concern - especially to people who are in the 'publishing' game like Geoff, as owner of this Forum. And it's because I'm concerned about it that I try and keep an eye on posts that seem to be added to threads just to wind things up.



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Will you be banning any of the threads in which muslims are mentioned just in case it upsets someone... why stop there - why not ban everyone and everything and you can sit looking at a blank screen all day?


No, we won't. Just look at the number of threads on these topics on the Forum.


It's just that if people are irresponsible, then we'll make suggestions. I'm not aware of banning any comment on this or related threads in the last couple of days except for removing direct links or reproductions of the cartoons.





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Here's a serious post.


I am offended, upset, annoyed and insulted that people are walking the streets calling for the DEATH of someone because they made a comment. If I make a comment here that some people don't like, if I draw a stick man and write the name of a god under it, will people come after me and try to kill me? I certainly hope not. I'm asking a serious question, is this what should happen to me or anyone else who does the same? If anyone actually believes that I or any other should be killed because of that humanity is certainly in a sorrier state than I thought.


This is utterly depressing.

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It's now or never for multiculturism that's for sure.


The 7/7 bombings were excused by liberals because of the Iraq war but the people who commited the atrocity lived in areas where their were the riots only a couple of years earlier.


Going on the protests yesterday it had nothing to do with Iraq and we may get bombed in the future because of fellow european secular nations publishing pictures, however misguided, but certainly not infringing on european law and freedom - it's blinking ridiculous and something our societies are proudly built on and should never be allowed to be taken away.


Unfortunately, we've allowed the liberal agenda to claim the BNP is larger than it is with scare sctories and to scrap any pride in our nation and flag. They would have zero publicity if it wasn't for liberals prosecuting them, like the other day, on misguided beliefs that just because they don't like what they say they must be guilty.


It's time to reclaim the flag and promote integration. Finish the BNP off for good. Bring some pride back into the nation. Scotland don't have the problems we have and immgirants there may be as poor as the locals but they are in it together, under the Scottish flag. There's no resentment pervading the depths of their communities and kinter-boxes about to erupt for ridiculous things like publishing cartoons, more importantly there's no danger of communities there turning on their fellow nationals.


Good thought and intention but the BNP will ultimately gain supporters through this.... and why not? they deserve all the bigots they can hold and so do the radical Muslims.... I don't see how you can hold a flag up to Scotland.... this issue is going on around the whole of Europe and the Middle East.... over a joke.... how many Scot jokes have you heard?.... I can tell a few but I may be banned. :D Thing is "some Muslims" are making a mountain out of a mole hill as they say.... and more importantly.... why?

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give them all a bacon sandwich and tell them to chill out:loopy:


Well put....NOT!.... you can debate with respect.... that is not called for.... if you have a view put it forward.... respect is given to those who deserve it.

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What has upset the Muslim community is that the pictures were offensive and were aimed at antagonising Muslims at a time when many Muslims in the Middle and Far East are quite wary of the West.


Wrong, wrong, wrong....


Read the Wikipedia article (as it's a good summary) they were not published to "antagonise Muslims, they were published to show that free people will not be threatened by violence or the threat of.


If the author of the original book about Mohammad had been able to find an illustrator prepared to draw pictures for his book none of this would have happened. However due to the climate of fear created by Islamic terrorism (9/11, 7/7 etc) and individual acts/threats of violence by fundamental Islamists (Theo van Gough, Ayaan Hirsi Ali) this was not possible.


Anyway you say "Muslims are wary of the West" - well sadly I fear the feeling is becoming more mutual by the day. Respect and tolerance are earned...any group that has a "Day of Anger" about some cartoons are not exactly showing themselves to be worthy of these things are they?

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