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The Cartoon protests megathread

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I fail to see how those who find our culture and traditions so abhorrent to them, can bear to continue to live here... This I see as exemplifying their stupidity.


More to the point, I also fail to see how those who threaten the lives of others, can be allowed to continue to live here... This I see as exemplifying OUR stupidity.


Concerning the recent furore... I consider this to be a neat summary.

"I have noticed outrage from Muslims about the cartoons, but I have not noticed similar outrage from Muslims concerning the devastation and carnage that radical Islamists have caused..." Paraphrased from a 'Net comment, no link given out of deference to the expressed wishes of this site-owner, as the page shows the cartoons mentioned.


100% in agreement with you.... the worrying thing is these "people" live amongst us..... what is more worrying is what the police didn't do about it at the time.... could you imagine a "pack" of Brits carrying banners with death threats to all Muslims roaming the streets for long?.... I think they would be well and truly locked up.... there should be no double standards in law.... the law is the law and it is not a Muslim law here.... yet! but maybe this is the start unless we put an end to it now.

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It is a good post by Pseudonym, and a good debate to read between T020 and Zafar. I've not read the full thread but cannot understand why some of them haven't been locked up and booted out of the country. The UK has supported the Muslim culture in condemning the cartoons but yet they choose to demonstrate in such a way.


I think it will blow over soon but although the 1000 demonstraters is a low number in comparison with the number in the UK, it is still high enough to cause concern and again highlight another clash between the ways in which cultures deal with matters.

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can not believe the youths in london dressed as suicide bombers were not arrested the chants celebrating the london bombings were sick and should of been stopped by police if i chant anti muslim songs in the street i would be nicked straight away this country is heading for some serious civil unrest,i am a no racist but a new word will emerge soon to describe people like me who feel they should not have to put up with scenes like yesterday in my country of birth.

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It is a good post by Pseudonym, and a good debate to read between T020 and Zafar. I've not read the full thread but cannot understand why some of them haven't been locked up and booted out of the country. The UK has supported the Muslim culture in condemning the cartoons but yet they choose to demonstrate in such a way.


I think it will blow over soon but although the 1000 demonstraters is a low number in comparison with the number in the UK, it is still high enough to cause concern and again highlight another clash between the ways in which cultures deal with matters.



I'll be very pleasantly surprised if this blows over because all one has to do is read the posts on this Forum about this issue to realise the very wide cultural divide between those with deep religious convictions and secularised West. It strikes me lack of awareness and respect exists for those with religious beliefs who are increasingly perceived as fundamentalist (regardless of religious denomination) when I think they have a deep reverence for their values.

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i agree with t020, but i also think it may be possible that the cartoons were released to swing people towards support for bush and his inevitable war on iran, they,the publishers must have known what responce the cartoons would have received.

on the other side,crimes have been comitted,arson,threats of death,probably incitement,i dont know im not a lawyer,but the people who were involved should be arrested and face trial or else it will esculate, a proper protest as allowed by law would have been in order,but to burn buildings and threaten the country that the protestors live in is way out of order,


as others have said,if a christian mob were to do the same the riot squad would be using snatch teams to arrest protesters,it does appear as there is a genuine bias towards muslims when it comes to the law, or is it just that we in britain are more inclined to sit back and allow things to happen in the hope it will burn itself out and all will return to mr blair,s idea of a cosy multicultural state, i await with anticipation to see what the future brings.....

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as others have said,if a christian mob were to do the same the riot squad would be using snatch teams to arrest protesters,it does appear as there is a genuine bias towards muslims when it comes to the law....


Possibly because our PC government is scared of the repercussions. At least if the police break up a mob of Christians and arrest a few they know there's little chance of being bombed or beheaded at a later date. It's much easier to deal with your own lot than a group of crazy foreign fanatics who still live in the dark ages.


Not sure if this post will last the night but we'll see eh.

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This quote I cut from a New Zealand press release online - I cannot add the link as it illustrates that cartoon:


Danish aid workers and their Nordic colleagues are being pilloried, threatened and withdrawn throughout the Islamic world. Palestinians, fuelled by the electoral success of the armed Hamas movement, have declared "war on Denmark." Masked gunmen raided the EU's offices in Gaza to make the point.


Products have disappeared from supermarket shelves, though the Danish export favourites of beer and bacon are scarcely be found in the Middle East. Ambassadors to Denmark from such freedom-loving nations as Libya and Saudi Arabia have been called home.


All because of a clash of values between western nations, which uphold freedom of speech, and religious sensibilities. The fuss started back in September when a Copenhagen newspaper published readers' caricatures of the Muslim prophet Muhammad because a writer could find no one to illustrate a children's book.


Islamic practice forbids such representation, as it does of all art depicting the human figure. Europeans have long since overcome such dogmas and Christians have learned to live with sacrilege and blasphemy as part of living in a free society.


This debate is one-sided. Anti-semitism, directed against Israel and its allies, is rife in the Middle East media, which treat the false "Protocols of Zion" as fact. Christians and atheists fare little better.


Lawmakers are already under pressure to extend bans on "hate speech," racism and advocacy of terrorism. But the outpouring of anti-Islamic reaction (newspapers throughout Europe have followed the Danish example) should demonstrate to Muslims they cannot hold the moral high ground until they show a greater understanding of secular values.


What, I wonder is the EU doing as I was under the impression that 'trade embargo's' were not legal?


How very sad & backward thinking to force aid workers to leave the countries mentioned.


As my old Mam would have said - "cutting your nose off to spite your face"

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Possibly because our PC government is scared of the repercussions. At . It's much easier to deal with your own lot than a group of crazy foreign fanatics who still live in the dark ages.




Agree Paul, i think the Government (IMO) is not sure of it's response, they fear the unknown and if they start making arrests and booting people out of the countryt then it means they are accepting a problem. At thsi moment in time, they dont wish to acknowledge there is a problem.

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