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The Cartoon protests megathread

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if they were good trained muslims they'd be down on their knees today of all days - these protesters are typical 'bad' muslims with nothing better to occupy their time - they should get jobs.


I think you'll find they went to the mosque first, and after they got up off their knee's they started the protest.

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Internetowl, I must protest against your inflammatory and gratuitously offensive avatar. You must be aware that publication of the face of an ostrich is totally against the religious beliefs of ostriches, Why do they spend so much time with their heads in the sand? You must know that this practice is derived from one of the fundamental tenets of Ostrichism from time immemorial. Although you may not be an ostrich yourself,you should have some concern for the sensitivities of other species and for the paramount importance of inter-species relations.

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I think the muslim protesters are doing a good job, membership of the BNP must be increasing by the hour. Do we really have to put up with demo's such as this? I suppose this is what "free speech" is all about.


Simple solution to the offended muslims, if the western sense of humour offends you then feel free to go to any muslim country- FOR GOOD!!!!

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Lord Chaverly,

I am rather worried about you, my learned, urbane friend. You have mistaken Bernie Clifton's sacred 'Emu' for a mere Ostrich. Do you not realise the implications of this folly? Whatever you do, do not set foot in Chesterfield. There are many supporters of Clifton in that strange, in-bred enclave- to them Clifton is a living deity and 'Emu' his sacred 'bird of fire'. Expect death threats from the fakirs of Staveley at the very least.

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Internetowl, I must protest against your inflammatory and gratuitously offensive avatar. You must be aware that publication of the face of an ostrich is totally against the religious beliefs of ostriches, Why do they spend so much time with their heads in the sand? You must know that this practice is derived from one of the fundamental tenets of Ostrichism from time immemorial. Although you may not be an ostrich yourself,you should have some concern for the sensitivities of other species and for the paramount importance of inter-species relations.


not sure how to respond to that, perhaps you need to up the dose on your medication ;)


:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Lord Chaverly,

I am rather worried about you, my learned, urbane friend. You have mistaken Bernie Clifton's sacred 'Emu' for a mere Ostrich. Do you not realise the implications of this folly? Whatever you do, do not set foot in Chesterfield. There are many supporters of Clifton in that strange, in-bred enclave- to them Clifton is a living deity and 'Emu' his sacred 'bird of fire'. Expect death threats from the fakirs of Staveley at the very least.


timo....Lord Chaverly is a revered spiritual leader here on the Wirral.... how dare you ostracise Him and in doing so our faith.... watch your back! :D :D :D


How ridiculous it all is.... I have no time for fanatics and extremists.... If any indigenous people of this land would have carried banners like that.... chances are they would be in a police station right now.... absolutely pathetic and these protesters should realise they live in the free world.... there is always their own kind to live amongst. I wouldn't miss that kind of trash.... and it is my right to voice my opinion.

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