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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Zafar, do you consider the indoctrination of children from an early age as child abuse, or just acceptable? Why do you consider the removal of body parts..I.e Circumcision as your right?


Indoctrination of children ? Eh ?


Circumcision ? How did that get into this thread ? :)

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All Muslims and Jews do it.


Alot of cultures also do it.

From the Muslim and Jewish perspective, its to do with the covenent that the Prophet Abraham made with God.

Christians in many parts of the world also practice circumcision although its been kind of forgetten in the West.

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What do you think I am the 'LAW' ? If I was I'd go around prosecuting loads of stupid people :hihi:


Are you some kind of mentally unstable individual who is currently on 'Care in the Community' ?

I made a post during the early hours and incorrectly referenced your name.

You subsequently pointed it out. I apologised.


If you think an apology is a load of rubbish, would you much rather prefer a pound of flesh ? (could be quite apt as I think you're lacking some between your ears!)


I suggest you have your vitamins and get some psychological help, and if all of that works be adventurous and get some manners! :loopy:


A pound of flesh would do nothing for me.... so don't put word's in my mouth.... the Danish press tried to give an apology and see where that got them for an apology for free speech.... I suggest the protesters gain some psychological help and manners.

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So, you don't leave your children to decide what religion they want to embrace until they are old enough? And you don't fail to circumcise them until they are old enough?


Nope circumcision takes place as soon after their birth as possible.

We educate them in the religion of their family, what they decide about it when they grow up is then their choice.

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cloudy, I'm sure you will correct me if i'm wrong,but you seem to coming from a point of view that circumcision is a bad thing - i'm sure there are pros and cons but i'm sure that one of the pros is that partners/wives of circumcised men are less likely to get cervical cancer.

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