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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Nope circumcision takes place as soon after their birth as possible.

We educate them in the religion of their family, what they decide about it when they grow up is then their choice.


So, you remove a body part as soon as possible. And then they are brainwashed. What a wonderful life

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A pound of flesh would do nothing for me.... so don't put word's in my mouth.... the Danish press tried to give an apology and see where that got them for an apology for free speech.... I suggest the protesters gain some psychological help and manners.



Me put words into your mouth ? lol, I think the voices, sorry echo's in your head are doing a grand job :)


What on God's Green Earth has the apology from the Danish Press got to do with my apology and your subsequent 'mental' reaction ?


If thats your best reposte for being an idiot then I may I suggest you seek alternative medication.


Oh and for the record the Danes took 4 months to apologise, I didn't!


I'll gladly apologise for any unintentional mistakes, however I cant apologise for your lack of manners. Ironic that you're whining about other cultures when you have problems closer to home !

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...one of the pros is that partners/wives of circumcised men are less likely to get cervical cancer.

There was conflicting evidence about this. The idea was very prominant about three years ago. The latest research, as reported by Cancer Research UK in late 2005, is that as long as good hygiene is practiced, the partners of uncircumcised men are no more at risk from cervical cancer than those of circumcised men.

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We educate them in the religion of their family, what they decide about it when they grow up is then their choice.


A highly commendable attitude Zafar. Unfortunately, I doubt very much if this spirit of tolerance is much practised within the ummah. A key measure of the degree of tolerance actually practised wiithin a religion concerns attitudes and policies towards apostacy. In some muslim countries even today, the punishment for apostacy (i.e. openly abandoning the faith) is death or a long prison sentence. Within Western countries, a muslim who overtly abandons his or her faith is likely to face social ostracism of one kind or another. Indeed, there was a 'Times' piece awhile back about British muslims who had converted to Christianity. Far from being accepted by their local communities, many of them were indeed ostracised by their families and friends and some had to go into hiding. The mantra about there being 'no compulson in religion'is very soothing, but I doubt very much whether it reflects contemporary realities.

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Me put words into your mouth ? lol, I think the voices, sorry echo's in your head are doing a grand job :)


What on God's Green Earth has the apology from the Danish Press got to do with my apology and your subsequent 'mental' reaction ?


If thats your best reposte for being an idiot then I may I suggest you seek alternative medication.


Oh and for the record the Danes took 4 months to apologise, I didn't!


I'll gladly apologise for any unintentional mistakes, however I cant apologise for your lack of manners. Ironic that you're whining about other cultures when you have problems closer to home !


You are quite barmy

What on God's Green Earth has the apology from the Danish Press got to do with my apology and your subsequent 'mental' reaction ?


None....we live in a free democracy here..... is that to much to understand or a little bit much to take on board?


If thats your best reposte for being an idiot then I may I suggest you seek alternative medication.


I may seek your Islam out.... it seems very tolerant and understanding.


Oh and for the record the Danes took 4 months to apologise, I didn't!


For a cartoon.... why would you?


I'll gladly apologise for any unintentional mistakes, however I cant apologise for your lack of manners. Ironic that you're whining about other cultures when you have problems closer to home


Ironic as it is an apology for a disgraceful way of behaviour that will never go amissed.

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Jake01, please note my above polite request.


'You are quite barmy' doesn't fall within the boundaries of polite debate.


Please can we all take this as a final warning about name calling.






I am lost Joe.... the Guy is calling for pounds of flesh here.... I am asking for mutual respect.... let's see the response.

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I'm astounded by what has been going on. Burning embassies, people calling for slaughter of infidels.... what?????


My own view on all this is that this is not an Islamic state - this is Europe and we have freedom of speech, we can draw what we like and make jokes about what we like and in the end ITS JUST A PICTURE! If I were to set myself up as the "Church of Pink socks" and said I'd be offended by anyone drawing a pink sock would that be OK? Would the whole of Europe have to comply?? And if not then why are my beliefs not as worthy or as sacred as others???


Its just silly. Why does religion have to get so serious? So pedantic? Its seems a bit OTT to get so offended by a picture. If peoples faith is strong why should a cartoon offend it? Surely what matters is how you yourself relate to the religion, not what a non-muslim thinks?


This has always been my problem with any religion... the believers inability to keep it to themselves. I don't expect anyone to live their lives the way I do or adhere to specific rules I set so why should anyone else? Theres plenty in the world that offends me (most religions for starters) but I don't expect anyone to stop doing whatever it is that offends me, I just don't watch/read/listen/hang around with that person. Nothing is that important or that sacred that people should hate each other over it, or wish death on them over it.


If Europe isn't Islamic enough for people then why do they stay here?

I don't get why people stay if they hate it so much?

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