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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Zafar, Are you implying that Muhammed didn't condone the killing of those who insulted him???????


kay_cee, I've read several biographies of the Prophet Mohammed and I can tell you quite clearly that he like the majority of Prophets before him endured serious level of abuse. He never asked for the individuals to be insulted.

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kay_cee, I've read several biographies of the Prophet Mohammed and I can tell you quite clearly that he like the majority of Prophets before him endured serious level of abuse. He never asked for individuals to be killed because they insulted him personally

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I have read all the post its two in the morning and at my age I should be replete with Horlicks and tucked up in my bed but I’m not because I just could stop reading through this excellent debate, you make me proud. This awful situation is very troubling, we seem to be allowing a train of events to progressively get worse with each episode without taking any firm action, to the best of my recollection, when Salman Rushdie’s book was published nothing was done by the authorities and the hysterical reaction went almost unheeded, the only people who organised any protest were Mr.Rushdie’s literary and theatrical friend. We should have taken the muslim community to task back them but didn’t. It is surely now the time to inform the Muslim community in no uncertain terms what is expected of anyone living in our society.

The "west", which is so reviled by the them, has taken them in an, educated and nurtured them and their children given them freedoms that they could only dream about in Islamic states, yet for many there is scant appreciation of these freedoms. Very little attempt has been made to assimilate onto our culture, rather in many there is a fierce determination to stay apart from and opposed to, most things western. The most dangerous aspect of this mindset is that it has been inculcated into the younger generations that they must remain insular and separate from mainstream of society. They have almost no concept of tolerance for other peoples beliefs. We constantly hear the mantra that Islam should be respected but little reciprocal respect is evident. We the indigenous population of this country, have the absolute right to expect that our beliefs, freedoms and way of life are respected by people who, after all these years of deeply felt mistrust and resentment, still choose and are allowed to live amongst us. We are a secular society that has demonstrated a tolerance of all religions and Islamist who live here with us must accept that they do not have the right to expect any non-believer to conform to the laws and customs of their religion, if they wish to live in a Islamic state there are plenty to choose from, all anxious I am sure to welcome their Muslim brothers.

We constantly hear that the vast majority of muslims are moderate, but where are they when these grotesque protest are being held. I was reminded of the protest of the Anti- Nazi League and the people who took to the streets during Oswald Mosley anti semitic rallies, these were and are moderate people who could see the dangers of this type of behaviour and where not prepared to sit back and let their own people act in a manner that brought shame on our country and culture, it seem obvious that moderate muslims do not share the same shame, not to say abhorrence, at the actions of some in their community and are happy to just sit on the sideline muttering that they don’t approve.

One last point and then I’ll go, I cannot believe the reaction of the Government, Police and the media, have they no idea of the laws that have been broken or what the majority of people are thinking are they really out of touch or just don't want to listen and don’t get me started on Jack Shaw, he should be sacked immediately and someone with a backbone put in his place.

Right that’s it where’s my Horlicks, night all

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So, you remove a body part as soon as possible. And then they are brainwashed. What a wonderful life


I fail to see the logice, connection or relevance of this to the subject in hand and it also appears to me that there is a level of intolerance on your part which is only marginally better than the intolerance under discussion.


For avoidance of doubt I had understood that in this country we are allowed to subscribe to whatever religious beliefs we choose without the need to defer to anyone.


The current outbursts over these cartoons has escalated beyond all proportion but that still does not give you the right to admonish others for their religious beliefs and practices which have been explained with abundant clarity.

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brainwashed ? there's an argument that could be a thread in its own right.



As a general rule, I would say educated with a level of manners, tolerance and respect which my Muslim friends inform me is noticeable for its absence in the youth of today.

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So, you remove a body part as soon as possible. And then they are brainwashed. What a wonderful life


cloudybay do you view religion as brainwashing? If so why? I was brought up a christian and I don't view myself or other religious people brainwashed. I think it is a rather wonderful life to be honest to live a religious life and have faith.


Also. Is circumcision not something which could have to be done in the future for medical reasons? If so why not get there a little early and save the risk?

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Thanks to rainbow2411 for a thoughtfull and well considered post; however I think the following points merit further debate and discussion -


" Very little attempt has been made to assimilate onto our culture, rather in many there is a fierce determination to stay apart from and opposed to, most things western. The most dangerous aspect of this mindset is that it has been inculcated into the younger generations that they must remain insular and separate from mainstream of society. They have almost no concept of tolerance for other peoples beliefs. We constantly hear the mantra that Islam should be respected but little reciprocal respect is evident."


Pretty contentious point of view there rainbow - "almost no concept of tolerance for other peoples beliefs" ??????- I don't recall seeing any young Muslims graffiti - ing my local churches or protesting outside nightclubs at the "shameful" Western culture therein.


"Little reciprocal respect is evident" - What do you want? Shall we have all the Muslims bow to a picture of the Queen and stay at home on Sundays?



"I cannot believe the reaction of the Government, Police and the media, have they no idea of the laws that have been broken or what the majority of people are thinking " - Well, I can only assume you have not caught the news for the past 48 hours.

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The police should arrest all those who held up banners promoting death and violance, and the penalty should be deportation.


(notice they had there faces hidden...cowards!)


I can't belive there was a banner saying "europe is cancer, islam is the answer"!!!


This is in london, where the cartoons were NOT published.


Europe who with our civilised ways will take in anyone who needs help, cloth them, feed them & protect them.


I think the bottom line of this answer is....if you don't like it....f*** off!


I think with the BNP court case aswel, BMP numbers will increase.


We keep being told, its a small minority, but if a small minority can burn down buildings, cause riots, just because of a stupid little drawing.


It's like the whole world is scared to say anything against islam. We get told to take pictures of pigs down, told we can't say christmas, can't be prowd to raise a St Gorges flag, all the so we don't offend Islam.


Well now WE are offended!!, and what will get done about it, F*** all!!! thats what.


Muslims are allowed to walk the streets of the UK, promoting death and destruction to the country and people that supports them, while we arn't allowed to faise the flag of our own country, IN our own country.


Then there's the do-gooders, who will somehow defend these protesters, the pathtic polatitions, who are to scared to do anything about it cos they'll lose there job.


Anyone who even dares to take a stand will get called a racist.


If Nick Griffen was taken to court for "promoting racial hatred" then what the f*** have we seen on the news all weekend??


"Behead all those who insult islam"

"Europe will pay your 3/11 is on it's way"




I know it's a minority, which means that when/if any action is taken against the protesters, then the majority of muslims should welcome it.


But i bet you now that NOTHING will happen, we will have to go on tip-toeing around this religion, that for some followers, promotes death, killing and hatred.

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It's like the whole world is scared to say anything against islam. We get told to take pictures of pigs down, told we can't say christmas, can't be prowd to raise a St Gorges flag, all the so we don't offend Islam.


Well now WE are offended!!, and what will get done about it, F*** all!!! thats what.


Muslims are allowed to walk the streets of the UK, promoting death and destruction to the country and people that supports them, while we arn't allowed to faise the flag of our own country, IN our own country.


Calm down,Mark you'll make yourself poorly. We don't get told to take pictures of pigs down, or that we can't celebrate Christmas or raise the cross of St George. And I'm confident something WILL be done about thosw protestors who advocated bombing/beheading etc.


Oh and while we're at it, you mention:


"The police should arrest all those who held up banners promoting death and violance, and the penalty should be deportation."


Err, like deport them to where? British citizens,Mark. Born here. Second or third generation some of them I expect.

Sure, if they are breaking the law they should be punished according to the law; but hotheaded calls for deportation are hardly likely to promote calm and tolerance are they?

Or is that not what you want?

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