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The Cartoon protests megathread

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looking at the pics - should be easy for the police to pick out these racists and arrest them but I bet they don't on grounds of political sensitivities


Yuck, sod the PC brigade, if people do the crimes, they should get nicked for it.. The fact that the arrests may or may not upset the PC brigade should be irrelevant IMO.

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I'll have you know that Lord Chaverly reveres ME as a Spiritual Leader , Philosopher-King, and Guru, so watch YOUR back! I am at this minute summoning my 'Southport Totenkopfeverbande' of ex-Traffic Wardens, veterans of SS Das Reich Panzer Division, and members of Birkdale Bowling Club. The Wirral shall reap a whirlwind! Let the harrowing of Bebington commence! Krieg oder Bolshevismus!

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"Free Speech - go to Hell!" - it's a jaunty little slogan, isn't it? I suspect he'd soon be complaining if his own free speech was suppressed, however.


Mind you, I'm suprised the BNP haven't been on here defending these zealots' right to free speech; it appears to be a cause they have recently embraced. Perhaps the solution is this: put Hizb ut Tahrir, al-Muhajiroun, the BNP, the NF, Al-Qaeda and the Christian right in a large locked room together, arm them with clubs and knives, and let them get on with it. Bagsy I get the TV rights.

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I think you'll find they went to the mosque first, and after they got up off their knee's they started the protest.


Do enlighten us infidels here Zafar; exactly why is it that protests like this calling for someones blood or another always seem to happen after a trip to the mosque for prayers???


I think the Governments got it right, Mosque monitoring.

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Never let it be said that they are not sane rational people.


What would be the reaction if something serious were to take place.


They would be so overcome with fury they would be like a boxer who loses his temper. An easy knock out

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Do enlighten us infidels here Zafar; exactly why is it that protests like this calling for someones blood or another always seem to happen after a trip to the mosque for prayers???


I think the Governments got it right, Mosque monitoring.


they have to be told what to think ;) what to do and how to act - pity the elders are so out of touch...

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On the subject of temper.


Compare the slow dignity of a western head of state funeral (for instance Reagan) to that of one in The Mid East, they go beserk, the body is out of the coffin and being thrown around in the mob, and having to be rescued by helicopter ( for instance the Ayatolla), is this respect for the dead?

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Don't know if any one has got a thread on this, if so sorry!

On the news i have just seen loads of muslim's making death threat's.

Whats all that about! don't understand how people can be so threatening and not be arrested, hooligan's at football matches, just watched it on the news, loads of people with signs saying "Remember 7/11 " that surely is a threat! and the news reader said there were sign's saying "be heading" on them! She also said that maybe their doing the BNP a favour.I'm not a racist person and i think thats why i'm shocked because they clearly are!


Is this worring other people? and is it all about a cartoon. opinion's please....

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