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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Free speech requires accepting responsibilty for the content of one's speech which is the essence of something a UN official said on R4 yesterday afternoon or evening.


It was a dig at what I see as BNP hypocrisy :|

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To me, this highlights the problem with religion and clergy. Believers depend on the interpretation of religious texts by an elite of (usually) men who have the time to read them, and tend to hand down their interpretation as fact. Isn't this what we have just seen in places like Syria, albeit with more dramatic effect?



In my honest opinion this just reinforces my previous comments on your posts. Cheers love

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PC is the worst thing that could have happened to what is a very weak society, it is a wall for the weak to hide behind. As for Jews and Muslims being offended by the celebration of Christmas I bet the shop owners amongst them smile like Cheshire cats when they count their takings after the Christmas rush.


The problem that we have is a public sector that cannot think for itself, they need thinking instructions to do the simplist things. School teachers are very vulnerable as most of them have never actually left school and have a PC blanket thrown over them from starting infant school until retirement. What I want to know is where all the stupid ideas come from, is there a PC think tank secreted somewhere? (a contradiction in terms really as they can't think for themselves anyway).


Most of the protestors will have come through our education system and appear to think that they have rights and privileges over and above the rest of us, who told them this? PC and common sense are millions of miles apart and the gap is getting wider, when will we do something about it?

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no i was referring to protesters of the cartoons, not the wiping out of israel.



As you asked, OBSCENE & DISGUSTING are 2words which immediately spring to mind.


For the record, although this is not my area of expertise I have heard that what the Palestinian Authority and other Arabic leaders say in Arabic does not reflect anything they say in English for the rest of the world to hear.

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PC is the worst thing that could have happened to what is a very weak society, it is a wall for the weak to hide behind. As for Jews and Muslims being offended by the celebration of Christmas I bet the shop owners amongst them smile like Cheshire cats when they count their takings after the Christmas rush.


The problem that we have is a public sector that cannot think for itself, they need thinking instructions to do the simplist things. School teachers are very vulnerable as most of them have never actually left school and have a PC blanket thrown over them from starting infant school until retirement. What I want to know is where all the stupid ideas come from, is there a PC think tank secreted somewhere? (a contradiction in terms really as they can't think for themselves anyway).


Most of the protestors will have come through our education system and appear to think that they have rights and privileges over and above the rest of us, who told them this? PC and common sense are millions of miles apart and the gap is getting wider, when will we do something about it?


What an excellent, simple and easily understandable summary of all the issues and with that I really do have to get on with other things.

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I think I've already commented on that so please refer back to one or other of my posts before 10.17 this morning. Thanks


i have ahad a quick look through the post prior to 10:17am! but was unable to read the whole 22 pages pf posts. Please let me know where you refer to these cartoons?



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As you asked, OBSCENE & DISGUSTING are 2words which immediately spring to mind.


For the record, although this is not my area of expertise I have heard that what the Palestinian Authority and other Arabic leaders say in Arabic does not reflect anything they say in English for the rest of the world to hear.


Do you have any evidence of this?

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Do you have any evidence of this?


If it is correct, then they wouldn't be the first to do this. I remember Noam Chomsky wrote a long article some time ago pointing out the disparities between comments made in Hebrew by Likud members and comments made in English by Likud (and aimed at a Western audience).

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