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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Zafar.... you tend to go on too much instead of just answering a question or asking one. As for your friends Turban being knocked off you must have known that you and your friend committed a gross religious insult.... nuff said.


Isn't it just a fact though that at the end of the day we shouldn't have to respect what we don't believe in just learn to be tolerant of it? or is religion set on a different basis? and is one better than the other? and please don't push any more religion on me.... think and answer outside of the box for once.

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Yes my friend realised once he saw the offence, and he wasn't dumb enough nor arrogant enough to repeat it :)


Jake, there are loads of things in life we shouldn't have to do.

I'd draw you up a list but then you'd think I was going on and on and on....


Okay Jake, here's a question for you.

Do you think children should give up their seats to let the elderly sit down on buses ?

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And thats rubbish aswell, because we also have the right to peaceful protest in this country, if everybody moved because of something they didn't like about Britain there would be nobody left.


Well you'd have Nick Griffiths & Co, and within a generation there would be a bubble in the price of caves !

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Do you not think there's something ever so slightly wrong with people who hold a historical figure, exaggerated over time and dead for centuries, dearer to themselves than their own family?



On a separate note, who else loved the irony of the fake suicide bomber? So self-righteous about his religion being "insulted", yet what does he do in his own life? Deals drugs. I'm sure "God" would really welcome his choice of lifestyle.


Nope not at all. Kind of shows the level of gratitude Muslims have towards the Prophet Mohammed.


No the Irony is that in the current climate of Ignorace we're treating 'muslims' as an Ethnicity Group, therefore the reaction from muslims has been in the form of a kind of Nationalism.


Nationalism can bring out the worst elements.


No I find the term 'fake suicide bomber' even more ironic !

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I've seen several over the years depicting Mohamed as a terrorist - but no worldwide explosion of protest ensued


What's different this time? #


The images depicted in Jyllands Posten are mild in comparison to one whic depicts Mohamed whoring and Drinking, or the one that depicts him driving a hire truck with a nuclear missile in. Some of them are just straight illustrations.


Or was it the picture of Mohamed, depicted as a pig, ranting into a microphone that did it?


That would be weird, because no-one (apart from the Danish Imams) published that picture.


I have a feeling that this would still be happening, even if Jyllands posten had never solicited images of Mohamed (which have been produced by muslims and non-muslims alike, since the time of, well, Mohamed.


This conflagration was started and is being stoked.....


Like I said there have been loads of pictures in the last several years depicting Arabs in a negative light. I've never heard that they were depictions of the Prophet Mohammed.

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Hi Zafar,


Jews recognise Jesus as a radical Rabbi, their main argument is that they don't recognise him as the son of God, the same as Islam.


You appear to miss my point in that Jewish recognition of Jesus would be the same as Christian recognition of Mohammed. Jews needed to ignore Jesus as the son of God in the same way that Christians needed to ignore Mohammed as God's last prophet just to exist. If not then Jews would have converted to Christianity followed by Christians converting to Islam.


Muslims in this country find themseles in their current position because of PC left wing public service employees who as sure as day turns to night will eventually climb back into the orifice that they fell out of. Be sure of it Muslims will have to conform to the rules of western society if they wish to live in it.


I wonder how many Muslim dominated countries would allow the free speech that we currently enjoy with the Sheffield Forum?

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Hi Zafar,


Jews recognise Jesus as a radical Rabbi, their main argument is that they don't recognise him as the son of God, the same as Islam.


You appear to miss my point in that Jewish recognition of Jesus would be the same as Christian recognition of Mohammed. Jews needed to ignore Jesus as the son of God in the same way that Christians needed to ignore Mohammed as God's last prophet just to exist. If not then Jews would have converted to Christianity followed by Christians converting to Islam.


Muslims in this country find themseles in their current position because of PC left wing public service employees who as sure as day turns to night will eventually climb back into the orifice that they fell out of. Be sure of it Muslims will have to conform to the rules of western society if they wish to live in it.


I wonder how many Muslim dominated countries would allow the free speech that we currently enjoy with the Sheffield Forum?


Hi Crookesey,


Some Jews recognise Jesus as a radical Rabbi, others dont recognise him as a Rabbi at all, whilst others view him in fairly derogatory terms.


The thing you have to bear in mind is that when Jesus came he wasn't talking about converting people, indeed when he was challenged by some of the Pharisee's in order to show him as a fraud, he said something on the lines of not changing the laws, but fulfilling them.


There were Rabbi's and Jews who did follow Jesus, and there were Christians and Jews who followed the Prophet Mohammed.


Conversion is one of those terms which has negative connotations attached to it.


You're right though that people are people, and people like to stick with their 'traditions'.


Western Europe has been swinging between conservatism and liberalism for centuries. Political correctness is one of those wierd phenomenons, it seems to be an extreme manisfestation of liberalism however when you think about it, its also an extreme form of conservatism. (i.e. you cant do or say this etc etc). I agree that in the long term its going to feed into the Nationalist elements who believe that its somehow diluting 'indiginous' traditions etc.


Muslims are damned either way


As for muslim countries allowing free speach, I personally I wouldn't label any of them as being 'muslim' countries in terms of actually practicing the laws of Islam. Never mind the laws, even the essence of Islam!


Even if they were I dont imagine they would allow 'free' speach as such. Alot of these counties like to talk about the Golden age, i.e. the times of the Prophet Mohammed etc but then they totally go against the values.

Mind you I suspect quite alot of free speach on the web occurs.


Personally I think that Muslim countries are stuck in a period reminiscent to how England was prior to Cromwell.

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Hi Zafar,


We certainly get our moneys worth out of you.


You are completely wrong about Western Europe swinging between conservatism and liberalism for centuries. Most of them were monarchist for centuries and the only swing allowed was to the right.


The left wing in this country always failed because it thought that their leadership should come from the colliery and factory gates. I recognised that this was wrong post Philby, Mclean, Burgess and Blunt, they came striding out of the front door of Cambridge.


Blair's take over was orchestrated by the left and for the left but dressed up as Conservative. Please tell me that many of the current front bench who used to be just left of Lenin are now caring centre ground New Labour converts.


Forget liberalism, an American politician who's name escapes me once said 'you only find two things in the middle of the road, one is a liberal and the other is a dead skunk'. All they are is left wing conservatives and right wing labourites who can't make up their minds.


Ethnic minorites are being used by this government, they pretend to want to look after them and constantly invent new PC initiatives to seemingly keep them happy. They see them as votes in the bag and generally they are right. Nationalism will always be an issue in a free country but do you really fear the likes of Nick Griffin? I always thought that Nationalism was a love of ones country, it need not be wrapped in a swastika flag.

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Hi Zafar,


We certainly get our moneys worth out of you.


You are completely wrong about Western Europe swinging between conservatism and liberalism for centuries. Most of them were monarchist for centuries and the only swing allowed was to the right.


The left wing in this country allways failed because it thought that their leadership should come from the colliery and factory gates. I recognised that this was wrong post Philby, Mclean, Burgess and Blunt, they came striding out of the front door of Cambridge.


Blair's take over was orchestrated by the left and for the left but dressed up as Conservative. Please tell me that many of the current front bench who used to be just left of Lenin are now caring centre ground New Labour converts.


Forget liberalism, an American politician who's name escapes me once said 'you only find two things in the middle of the road, one is a liberal and the other is a dead skunk'. All they are is left wing conservatives and right wing labourites who can't make up their minds.


Ethnic minorites are being used by this government, they pretend to want to look after them and constantly invent new PC initiatives to seemingly keep them happy. They see them as votes in the bag and generally they are right. Nationalism will always be an issue in a free country but do you really fear the likes of Nick Griffin? I always thought that Nationalism was a love of ones country, it need not be wrapped in a swastika flag.


Hi Crooksey,


LOL, I thought the current govt push was 'value for money', thought I'd get a head start :)


I've got loads of work to get through, else I'll become another statistic in Govt figures so I'll get back to you on this.


Nationalism is cool when its positive or in times of good economics, just worrying when things aren't going well :(


Take Care



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Yes my friend realised once he saw the offence, and he wasn't dumb enough nor arrogant enough to repeat it :)


Jake, there are loads of things in life we shouldn't have to do.

I'd draw you up a list but then you'd think I was going on and on and on....


Okay Jake, here's a question for you.

Do you think children should give up their seats to let the elderly sit down on buses ?


You just can't think "out of the box" it has to involve religion and the promotion or defence of it, can you? I see your faith in a "true light" now. Ever heard of the term "Brain washed?" and what a silly question to which you do not deserve an answer. Thinking outside the box means to stand outside the situation and look in but when a person has fixed and determined views this is often very difficult.

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