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The Cartoon protests megathread

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There are other threads on the same subject. It is obvious that the inanity of some religeons is of concern to all sane people, Try not to worry about them they will have something else to shout about tommorrow.

They realise that they adoring a man who died in the dark ages and are just trying to justify their existence

Dont Worry About Them

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Over the last twenty years I've lost track of the number of times that hot heads have decided that they speak for a particular belief system or faith and gone on to the streets to stir up trouble.


We've had American flags burnt, British flags burnt, authors threatened, film makers murdered - in the name of religion but actually by extremists.


This is not the time to wind up the temperature; but at the same time I'm convinced that sensible heads on both sides of the argument will prevail and the little, if any, blood will be spilt anywhere. It's time to calm down and not panic.



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I do not pretend to be a historian, but throughout mankind civilisations have risen and fallen.

This may be the beginning of the end for ours.

We seem to be being gradually taken over by a backward looking religeion which believes that violence is the only way to achieve anything.

When they are thwarted or mocked in any fashion the only response is mayhem and murder.

When we are in this weird utopia of theirs then may god help them. For they will not have any of the present means to help them.

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I was watching the news earlier and up popped the protests and I was acctually digusted.


For one thing;

They were burning european flags - if they hate europe that much because of these cartoons or whatever then WHY live here???


And for another thing;

They are using threats there are banners saying things like "Europe remember 9/11" and "Europe take some lessons from 9/11" those are, no matter how people argue or anything, threats.


And yet there were people saying it was a peaceful protest! If threats and posters of islamic followers stabbing people and slitting throats (there were also large cartoonisic posters which they had made) then I'm afraid in my idea that ain't peacefull. Fair enough they are angry but no way is that a peacefull protest. If they are going to threaten europe and burn the flags then why the hell do they live here?!

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I do not pretend to be a historian, but throughout mankind civilisations have risen and fallen.

This may be the beginning of the end for ours.

We seem to be being gradually taken over by a backward looking religeion which believes that violence is the only way to achieve anything.

When they are thwarted or mocked in any fashion the only response is mayhem and murder.

When we are in this weird utopia of theirs then may god help them. For they will not have any of the present means to help them.


Well said Artisan. We should be very afraid.

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Well they can't have a drink, perhaps just as well or they may get even more angry. Nor can they calm down with a bit of weed or get loved-up.


It seems like a repressive culture to me, not allowed to be gay, women do as they are told, a lack of individuality and limited free expression of any kind. Repression causes anger and it's got to be vented somewhere, so stick it to the Western Infadels.


I used to consider myself tolerent and was often outspoken in defending the rights of minority groups but this is really getting to me and it is having a negative effect on how I percieve Muslin culture.


I never liked religion anyway.

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Well they can't have a drink, perhaps just as well or they may get even more angry. Nor than they calm down with a bit of weed or get loved-up.


It seems like a repressive culture to me, not allowed to be gay, women do as they are told, a lack of individuality and limited free expression of any kind. Repression causes anger and it's got to be vented somewhere, so stick it to the Western Infadels.


I used to consider myself tolerent and was often outspoken in defending the rights of minority groups but this is really getting to me and it is having a negative effect on how I percieve Muslin culture.

I never liked religion anyway.


The bold text expresses how I feel too. It is doing relations between ethnic groups no favours at all. (I just typed race relations and realised that phrase was wrong/out of date/inflammatory ... )

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