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The Cartoon protests megathread

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That's the point - well, that's what we've been told repeatedly. Yet its clear that not all Muslims take the word of the Koran literally. The recent demand that making images of Muhammed be made a criminal offence seems to go against the fact that Muslims in the past have made images of Muhammed.


What we seem to have is the 'moderate' leaders of Islam as well as the extremists attempting to restrict the freedom not just of non-Muslims but also of those Muslims who have a less literalist view of the teachings of the Koran.


In other words, there seems to be more freedom of thought among Muslims than we're being told. We're told all Muslims find images of Muhammed offensive, yet this is clearly not the case, as these images were created by devout Muslims.

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That works out at 7280, I don't think so. So far there has been 4 that have actually carried out attacks and that works out at 0.0013736%. Don't get me wrong 4 was 4 too many and it is possible that further attacks will take place.


If another 25 willing suicide bombers were found and they carried out attacks then based on the London death toll they could kill around 325. If your 2.5% came about the figure would be just undr 95000, it doesn't bare thinking about.

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Having viewed the said cartoons i can find nothing offensive people have done this type of thing for years mocking jesus but do the Christians go round causing trouble like the muslims have done around the world???.


and lets not forget they are only cartoons there are far more worse things in this world than a few cartoons :loopy:

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no, craig,

we had the crusades


where folk were forced to convert to Christianity under pain of death:- men, women and children were slaughtered indiscriminately, with no regard to thier faith, be it Pagan, Christian, Muslim or Jew.


this went on for centuries. in a time believe it or not, when the west was still debating whether women, and black people even had souls, (and Islam had given women amazing rights in law about rejecting a prospective husband, about a husband's obligations to his wife, acquiring and administering money, days when under Islam, women could own their own property, and conduct business, whereas under christianity, women were still the chattels and properties of their husbands!)


Give me emancipation, self -determination, and my rights ANY day!!



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no, craig,

we had the crusades


where folk were forced to convert to Christianity under pain of death:- men, women and children were slaughtered indiscriminately, with no regard to thier faith, be it Pagan, Christian, Muslim or Jew.


this went on for centuries. in a time believe it or not, when the west was still debating whether women, and black people even had souls, (and Islam had given women amazing rights in law about rejecting a prospective husband, about a husband's obligations to his wife, acquiring and administering money, days when under Islam, women could own their own property, and conduct business, whereas under christianity, women were still the chattels and properties of their husbands!)


Give me emancipation, self -determination, and my rights ANY day!!




Why not try it out in a truly Muslim Country, PT.


Your emancipation, self-determination and rights would perhaps be hard to find there.


Or have I got the wrong impression of what it is like being a Muslim female, in a truly Muslim society?


I am prepared to be educated....

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no, craig,

we had the crusades


where folk were forced to convert to Christianity under pain of death:- men, women and children were slaughtered indiscriminately, with no regard to thier faith, be it Pagan, Christian, Muslim or Jew.


this went on for centuries. in a time believe it or not, when the west was still debating whether women, and black people even had souls, (and Islam had given women amazing rights in law about rejecting a prospective husband, about a husband's obligations to his wife, acquiring and administering money, days when under Islam, women could own their own property, and conduct business, whereas under christianity, women were still the chattels and properties of their husbands!)


Give me emancipation, self -determination, and my rights ANY day!!




That was then PT.... the world has changed since and Muslim women don't have the same rights anymore.... we can't be held responsible for our forefathers actions anymore and I certainly wasn't around then.... your last comment doesn't fit in to the world as we now know it.... not for everyone. And certainly not in Muslim countries.

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Nope not at all. Kind of shows the level of gratitude Muslims have towards the Prophet Mohammed.


Or their level of stupidity. To put some historical figure above their own family members really takes the biscuit.


No the Irony is that in the current climate of Ignorace we're treating 'muslims' as an Ethnicity Group, therefore the reaction from muslims has been in the form of a kind of Nationalism.


Nationalism can bring out the worst elements.


Nationalism has nothing to do with his drug dealing. You've completey side-stepped the issue in case it would mean having to say something bad about a fellow Muslim "brother". In reality, what kind of Muslim would deal drugs? I don't think God would approve. The fact that the "fake suicide bomber" can break laws and ruin lives with his drug dealing kind of undermines any religious stance and his apparent "disgust" at the cartoons.


No I find the term 'fake suicide bomber' even more ironic !


There's nothing ironic about "fake suicide bomber". Since he was dressed as one but wasn't actually one, it's a fairly logical description (although I could think of much more fitting descriptions that would not be repeatable on this forum).

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