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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Alex C raises a very valid point.


Not so long ago, there was a demonstration outside our Cathedral about Islamic art being displayed. The most amusing thing is that the majority of the protestors weren't even practising Christians.



Oh and just how do you know that? do you know any of those people at the cathedral demo,I think not.

As to the comment about the latest demo re muslims I dont think you can compare a war with Iraq to a few silly cartoons.:loopy:

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Why can't I?


Both are issues important to the people who care about them, just because you can't appreciate one point of view doesn't make it wrong.


For good reason, protests are allowed in this country - and they should not be ridiculed for speaking out against something that concerns them - that is irregardless of their religion, colour or any other thing you could discriminate on.


I still do not, and would not ever condone the extreme tactics used earlier this week, and these protests should have been stopped.

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As you asked, OBSCENE & DISGUSTING are 2words which immediately spring to mind.



As an addendum to this post I'd also like to add that I would also consider the relevant cartoons obscene and disgusting whoever drew them and for whatever reasons. At the very least in remarkably bad taste.

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The Danish Cartoons (Originalyy published in September) were in a major Egyptian paper in October:




And yet nothing happened - why could that be?**b]




You will not hear anything about this on the BBC etc...it's best to keep us uninformed massess, well, uninformed you see!



** my emboldening. How about political manipulation

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It depends on how each of us defines our 'box'.

You call it religion, I call it values and beliefs.


lol, brainwashed ?


There is some real hypocracy going on.


Tell me this, why is it that in the third world where there higher levels of illiteracy, the people STILL know what is going on in the world, yet in the land of the literate most people dont have a clue about the wider world and what is happening ? Most people could tell you what happened in Big Brother but probably have no idea of anything that isnt reported in a tabloid.


Whose 'actually' brainwashed ?


this is probably one of the few posts you've written where I would almost entirely agree with you. Perhaps there's hope yet. It would help if you could also take on board Tony's advice to another SFuser about the use of white space and keeping things brief, focussed and succinct or words to that effect.

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If by this you mean just a few of them going out and acting as "suicide bombers" then that is one thing. If however you mean it is only a few of them that want to wipe Israel of the map then I think this "few of them" is a wish rather than the hard reality.



And please do not construe from this that I do anything but condemn in totally murder in all its guises. This includes suicide bombers and terrorists ambushing cars with unarmed families which they then strew with bullets and leave the occupants for dead.

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