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The Cartoon protests megathread

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People may disagree with what they're doing these Muslims but nobody dare say owt for fear of upsetting the PC brigade :loopy::rant:


IMO the PC brigade needs to sod off (am I allowed to say that?) and not get their knickers in a bunch over every little thing...

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Here we go again.... another thread about Muslims.... the same views being repeated again.... another rant.




The reason for this is that people are getting a bit fed up of hearing about how badly done to muslims are. they are no different to anyone else.

No one is forcing them to follow this religeon.

If they dont like it why dont they change to something that will cause them less heartache

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Here we go again.... another thread about Muslims.... the same views being repeated again.... another rant.




And more rants to come unfortunately Ann from a so far disquiet populous who are becoming ever more sick of religion being hammered down their throats by fanatics.... is this not just another rant by the Muslim populous and all over a cartoon.... I think I am entitled to my opinion on this. I think they are overzealous and not very well meaning.

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And more rants to come unfortunately Ann from a so far disquiet populous who are becoming ever more sick of religion being hammered down their throats by fanatics.... is this not just another rant by the Muslim populous and all over a cartoon.... I think I am entitled to my opinion on this. I think they are overzealous and not very well meaning.


The worst of it is the poorly-educated Muslims are busy killing other poorly-educated Muslims in the rest of the World................

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Considering the suicide bombings of last year , all the trouble with extreme muslim preachers ete woudnt it been more sensible for a bit more restraint to be shown by these people, or is thst to much to ask in the uk at the moment???????:confused: :confused:

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