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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Its all crackers. I mean do these people realise what they are protesting about? A MYTHICAL FIGURE. He doesn't exist, has never existed and never will. And when these people die, they will either rot or burn, thats it. No Heaven, no nothing.


Anyone who believes in Allah, God, etc is off their rocker!


Belief in the teachings of a religion is fine but to honestly truly believe that there is an almighty is just plain crazy.

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Its all crackers. I mean do these people realise what they are protesting about? A MYTHICAL FIGURE. He doesn't exist, has never existed and never will. And when these people die, they will either rot or burn, thats it. No Heaven, no nothing.


Anyone who believes in Allah, God, etc is off their rocker!


Belief in the teachings of a religion is fine but to honestly truly believe that there is an almighty is just plain crazy.


rooby, if your gonna spout commonsense.....welcome to Sheffield Forum.:thumbsup:


It is a quality sometimes in short supply on here, excepting the ladies of course, they try to educate us blokes with varying degrees of success...I certainly don't possess any...:)

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It offends me my friend because these people live in a free and democratic society ( but don't practice it).... that is why they are here don't forget that fact.... but they feel the need to force their opinions on us.... if you are happy with that then sit back and enjoy the ride and become what the Islamist's want you to be.... I doubt that would enrich your life.... merely supress it and create hate in your heart for anyone else except your "Brother".... do you not see how outdated this stone age religion really is and what damage it can do to humankind?


You cannot ban a religion.... that would be wrong.... you cannot ban a culture in it's own Country.... but if you move into a new culture then you either have to embrace it or learn to live with it or move out.

For me this posts sums up what the majority of people i speak to think AND IS WHAT THEY WANT TO SAY. What is wrong with being honest and saying what you believe.???:confused: :confused: :confused:

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For me this posts sums up what the majority of people i speak to think AND IS WHAT THEY WANT TO SAY. What is wrong with being honest and saying what you believe.???:confused: :confused: :confused:


Nothing is wrong with being honest in mind brooksy.... it just seems to take a different free speaking animal to do it these day's and one not one that will be subject to other peoples rants because they are right in giving these people the right to live to an "order".


Live in peace and wonder.... is my motto.... not to control or supervise, which the Muslim faith thrives on.... if any Muslim can tell me that they don't worship the book and don't express their own mind or feelings and don't like living in the west at the same time..... then I think It's about time you started questioning your own beloved and sacred religion.

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May I ask..to whom are you addressing that question.........

I was addressing it at Jake


I will also add that I'm glad you speak your minds, freedom of speech is certainly an important thing, and I don't want to shoot down anyone point of view - if its what they believe then so be it


(with obvious extremism exceptions)

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the muslims are marching again because they see the cartoons as idolitary(sp)

they say it is against their religion to show the prophet yet many museums

hold portraits of him,the metropolitan museum of art has portraits of mohammed from the 14th century up to the modern day


there are some from the "bustan of sacdi" in uzbekistan and from the "timurid "in afghanistan, dante,s inferno also carries his image, i found this link that may also be of interest http://michellemalkin.com/archives/004478.htm are they realy marching because of their prophets image bieng printed or is there a deeper reason ?

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I was addressing it at Jake


I will also add that I'm glad you speak your minds, freedom of speech is certainly an important thing, and I don't want to shoot down anyone point of view - if its what they believe then so be it


(with obvious extremism exceptions)


I think I answered your question in a previous post Alex..... but let me pose you a question.... "will you still feel the same apathy and impartiality when Muslims go on the march again next week because someone has upset their narrow view of life again?".... or will you just post a comment and sit back again?.... you quote that you dislike extremism.... pray tell me, what is your definition of extremism if it is not what is going on around you as you speak?


And aren't we sick to the high teeth about it all now.... we do not worship Allah in the west.... we are not Muslim.... we will not be converted.... I wish that these people find peace elsewhere.

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firstly - after reading the posts on the whole cartoon thing - i think the initial rection of 'lets kill them' was wrong and that is the image of islam we are beginning to think is true. they keep bangin on about how peaceful they are - well tell your own people to be peaceful and THEN show,not tell, the rest of the world by setting good examples.


somethings just really annoyed me 2day that has made we want to vent my anger




it says 40% of muslims want an islamic law to stand in certain parts of the country, which includes punishments such as stoning amputation execution. THIS IS ENGLAND. not tryin to ethnicly clean the country but if u dont like the country - MOVE ON!!! they only want it in areas where there is a high population of muslims - as a bradford lad i'm screwed!


i think slowly they want total dominance of the world - ARGH

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On the radio this morning that a muslim cleric (not in England) has offered a reward of £6,000,000 and their own body weight in gold to anyone who beheads one of the cartoonists, another cleric has offered £1,000,000 for the same thing.


I agree with you Muslims living in this country must realise that they are living in a Christian country (for now) and as such must abide by our laws and principles. I must point out that the vast majority of muslims do, it just a small very vocal minority that want us to alter. However as stated in another post I am afraid that our relationship with muslims in this country is getting more and more sycophantic.

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