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The Cartoon protests megathread

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I'll admit, I don't understand - I assumed the protest was against the publishing at the cartoons, but you seem to be implying (and a few posters in this thread) that the protests are aimed at islamification of the west... Any more information on this?


I think there is more to it than just the cartoons. For some British Muslims our secularism, which in theory allows the publication of these cartoons and other forms of ridicule of their (and any other) religion, constitutes a real threat to their way of life; because their religion of course is integral with their way of life.


Sadly the majority of Muslims don't seem to understand secularism and see it as some kind of opposition to their religious devotion, rather than it just being a 'live-and-let-live' attitude most non-Muslims in this country have grown up with.


I tend to agree with the opiniion in this article http://portal.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/02/19/nsharia219.xml&sSheet=/news/2006/02/19/ixnewstop.html

and believe that the govt. have been too ready to appease Muslim militancy in order to capture the Muslim vote, and have been blind to the seperatist tendencies of those who preach to Muslims, some of whom now represent Muslims in political circles.

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PS. I find it very ironic indeed that the actions of the liberal brigade have spawned a large section of the population wanting to enforce a way of living which is anything BUT liberal.

... so you're worried that (even it represented the truth) if 40% of 3% of the UK population want something, you think that it constitutes a threat to a developed liberal western nation?


... The above message is an internet reality check.... ... The above message is an internet reality check.... ... The above me

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I think the muslim protesters are doing a good job, membership of the BNP must be increasing by the hour. Do we really have to put up with demo's such as this? I suppose this is what "free speech" is all about.


Simple solution to the offended muslims, if the western sense of humour offends you then feel free to go to any muslim country- FOR GOOD!!!!



I think your right mate.


If i was to go down to the protest with a banner saying "islam is a cancer, christ is the answer" i would be removed by the police on race hate charges but if its the other way round they are allowed todo it and are given police protection to protect thier right to free speech!


**** that send the racist ***** packing to an islamic country! I nkwo of alot of people who will be voting BNP this time round and i have to say it doesnt suprise me!


When will mr blair realise that the only people who are being racially abused is the britons that stay here and get taken for a mug:loopy: in our great "multicultural society"

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I think your right mate.


If i was to go down to the protest with a banner saying "islam is a cancer, christ is the answer" i would be removed by the police on race hate charges but if its the other way round they are allowed todo it and are given police protection to protect thier right to free speech!


**** that send the racist ***** packing to an islamic country! I nkwo of alot of people who will be voting BNP this time round and i have to say it doesnt suprise me!


When will mr blair realise that the only people who are being racially abused is the britons that stay here and get taken for a mug:loopy: in our great "multicultural society"

Again totally agree. As i said before honesty to a lot of people isnt the best policy, whatever your views?.:o :o :o

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:loopy: Shock, horror, 345% of Daily Mail readers want to bring in Sharia law, I mean capital punishment, but it's not going to happen is it?


What a perfectly pathetic and pointless post but perhaps no more than we've grown accustomed to with you!


The survey, if indeed the figures are correct, is very worrying but hardly surprising. Assuming that most Muslims in the UK are from the Indian sub-continent and Asia, it further confirms that a large number of these have neither the will nor desire to integrate in this country or accept that to move to an adopted country means that you do so aware of our traditions and heritage.

The most important of these traditions is that we are a nominally Christian country, that is secular in its approach. Other immigrants of different faiths seem to have had no problem accepting these tenets of our society, there should therefore be no problem for Muslims.

It is perhaps not helping them understand what is required of them, when we have a spineless leadership who is trying his best to hang onto their vote after getting involved in the Iraqui and Afghanistan conflicts- quite simply they need to be told unequivocally that Islam has no place in our society, other than as taking its place alongside all the others that we are generally indifferent to. Then of course, if they are unable to live with this introduction to reality, there are plenty of Islamic republics throughout the world where they can go to practice their archaic beliefs.

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Damn right!


Then its was stop all this drivvel or noy having hot cross buns of the shelves as not to offend!


Talk of the natavity play in schools being banned, baa baa black sheep being struck off in schools as "not to offend"


Excuse me sunshine, but you come to live in england you live the english way! Not make the english live your way and that goes to any religion/race/creed.


If i moved to another country i would be expected to learn the lanuage, pay my way and respect and live the way all the rest of the native people did.


Why is this not happening in the UK??????

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It dosnt in my opinion happen in the uk because the powers that be dont want it to.We are if not already going to be the laughing stock of the world.In the long term i think wel regret as a nation and people letting things go as far has they have?

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PS. I find it very ironic indeed that the actions of the liberal brigade have spawned a large section of the population wanting to enforce a way of living which is anything BUT liberal.

This is something that I too, find hard to swallow, how the 'liberal left' seem so quick to rush to defend something that is so utterly totalitarian and un tolerent in its ideology.


Here are just some examples from Sharia law; As we saw adopted by the Taliban regime; (I have taken these from what is known in English as the “Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law”. In Arabic it is referred to as the Umdat al-Salik and was authored by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri d. 1368 A.D. )


1. Offensive, military jihad against non-Muslims is a communal, religious obligation;

2. A person who is ignorant about Islamic legal opinion must follow the legal opinion of a scholar;

3. The penalty for a Muslim apostate (someone who no longer believes in or no longer follows the tenets of Islam) is death;

4. A woman is only eligible to receive half the inheritance of a man;

5. A woman must seek permission from her husband to leave the house;

6. A Muslim man cannot marry a woman who is a Zoroastrian, an idol worshipper, an apostate from Islam or a woman with one parent who is Jewish or Christian, with the other being Zoroastrian; a Muslim woman cannot marry anyone but a Muslim;

7. A free Muslim man may marry up to four women;

8. Retaliation is obligatory in most cases when someone is deliberately murdered except when a Muslim kills a non-Muslim,

9. Non-Muslim subjects (Ahl al-Dhimma) of a Muslim state are subject to a series of discriminatory laws – “dhimmitude” (Paying of a special tax to name just one, called the 'Jizyah')

10. The penalty for fornication (Sex before marriage) is flogging with 100 lashes;

11. The penalty for an initial theft is amputation of the right hand. Subsequent thefts are penalized by further amputations of feet and hand;

12. A non-Muslim cannot testify against a Muslim in court; a person who is “without respectability” cannot give legal testimony; a woman’s legal testimony is only given half the legal weight of a man’s (and is only acceptable in cases involving property); to legally prove fornication or sodomy requires 4 witnesses who actually saw the act;

13. The establishment and continuation of the Islamic Caliphate (by force, if necessary) is a communal obligation;

14. Homosexuals must be killed;

15. Laughing too much is forbidden;

16. Musical instruments are unlawful;

17. Creating pictures of animate life is forbidden;

18. Slavery is permitted;

19. Beating a rebellious wife is permissible;

20; Lying is permissible in a time of war (or jihad).


And finally, to finish my much shortened compilation of Islamic law, (one which I think the Brits will be up in arms most about);-


21; Drinking Alcohol 80 lashes.


It's about time the west woke up, and smelled the coffee.

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