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The Cartoon protests megathread

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royjames, make no mistake, your aims, and the means of achieving them, are not my aims.


My aims are to defend my country and its way of life,it ought to be yours as well.


Our aims, and the aims of everone on here will be identical, Roy


It's just the Methods which may differ...........

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Sharia Law will come throughout the entire world. Sheer force of numbers will force it in. These people are relentless and are indoctrinated from birth.

Then when the world is reduced to a Dark Age the like of which we cannot imagine, we can only hope a new age will dawn.

When countries fall to Islam they do not have a government in the true sense. They are reacting to indivdual circumstances in a tribal fashion.

If this was international all progress would be halted, as any intellectual or dissenter would be executed if he did not follow the exact rules of someone who died centuries ago.

I am sure that the founders of this religeon did not intend it to be this way. They were great thinkers pulling their people forward, not looking backwards and refusing to accept change.

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Sharia Law will come throughout the entire world. Sheer force of numbers will force it in. These people are relentless and are indoctrinated from birth.

Then when the world is reduced to a Dark Age the like of which we cannot imagine, we can only hope a new age will dawn.

When countries fall to Islam they do not have a government in the true sense. They are reacting to indivdual circumstances in a tribal fashion.

If this was international all progress would be halted, as any intellectual or dissenter would be executed if he did not follow the exact rules of someone who died centuries ago.

I am sure that the founders of this religeon did not intend it to be this way. They were great thinkers pulling their people forward, not looking backwards and refusing to accept change.

You say "when countries fall to Islam" - which countries have recently 'fallen' to Islam?

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Sharia Law will come throughout the entire world. Sheer force of numbers will force it in. These people are relentless and are indoctrinated from birth.

Then when the world is reduced to a Dark Age the like of which we cannot imagine, we can only hope a new age will dawn.

When countries fall to Islam they do not have a government in the true sense. They are reacting to indivdual circumstances in a tribal fashion.

If this was international all progress would be halted, as any intellectual or dissenter would be executed if he did not follow the exact rules of someone who died centuries ago.

I am sure that the founders of this religeon did not intend it to be this way. They were great thinkers pulling their people forward, not looking backwards and refusing to accept change.


Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


That little green bloke made a lot of sense you know.:D

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To be honest, I really can't understand the desire of devout Muslims to live anywhere other than in a Muslim country? If they regard their religion as the most important part of their lives, which they have every right to, I can't comprehend why they would choose to live in the secular West? :confused: It really doesn't make sense to me.




I'm surprised you haven't worked it out Star. I'll give you 24 hours. If you are still uncertain, please PM me, Timo or Lord Chaverly for a definitive answer.

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Why does it need to be PM? Can you not share it with all of us if it's so important?

And what's with you, Timo and Lord C having all the answers? Do you know something the rest of the world doesn't?


Why would I want to share anything with you? I thought you could enlighten me?

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