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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Sometimes the truth is not as palatable as some would like,nevertheless its true and we have to do something before its too late.


It's so easy to look at the small group of extremists on TV and apply it to the majority.


Just like it's so easy to see the football hooligans in a crowd and believe that all football fans are evil.


Just like it's so easy to see the bombers of this country over the years and blame all catholics and protestants,


Just like it's so easy to see the junkie on the street and assume that every homeless person is the same,


Just like it's so easy to......


I know, that it's hard to realise that every person is individual regardless of religion, creed, social background, etc.


I know that it's hard to believe that there's no such thing as a historic British culture.


It's hard to believe that the culture that certain people hold so close is relatively new.


It's hard to believe that the British culture has never been static, but dynamic. And it's that dynamic that I am proud of. Not a limited knowledge of recent times, but a pride of British development and understanding.


I know it's hard for certain people to accept that.

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Oh come on Roy, this is getting tiresome; we've heard Craigs baseless ranting.....surely you can do better. What, in plain, sensible terms makes the BNP so anti Muslim? Why can you not accept the concept of peaceful co - existence?


Its worth noting that several years ago the BNP decided to concentrate their energies towards muslims, so much so that they 'lobbied' other minorities to try and get support.


Perhaps they decided to focus on muslims, because of the current climate we find ourselves in vis a vi the war on terrorism, or perhaps they just decided to try the old 'divide and conquer' methodology so favoured during Imperialism.


Unfortunately, the problem has been that their membership still have a hard time actually spotting a Muslim from a Sikh etc !

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This is all spin my the ministers of this country and media and neo cons!

pat robertson head of evangelical church in america said we must unite against the islamification of the world!

this what we like to hear from people in power!

karadic of serbia is a war criminal but is being protected by the catholic church and was ordained as doing christian work by the greek church?

i dont understand this! people and their views are corrupt not religion!

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This is all spin my the ministers of this country and media and neo cons!

pat robertson head of evangelical church in america said we must unite against the islamification of the world!

this what we like to hear from people in power!

karadic of serbia is a war criminal but is being protected by the catholic church and was ordained as doing christian work by the greek church?

i dont understand this! people and their views are corrupt not religion!



The Right Reverent Pat Robertson went so far as to go on TV and call for the assassination of a democratically elected head of state (Hugo Chavez), I dont recollect hearing about his door being kicked in during the early hours of the morning and his sorry ass being dragged into Prison...

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The Right Reverent Pat Robertson went so far as to go on TV and call for the assassination of a democratically elected head of state (Hugo Chavez), I dont recollect hearing about his door being kicked in during the early hours of the morning and his sorry ass being dragged into Prison...


But he was roundly condemned in the US for his remarks and within two days was apologising for them on TV. As for the legal impications of what he said, well. lawyers looked at this and basically decided there was no case to answer. This was because he essentially said that he didn't know why the US government didn't take Chavez out. This is not the same thing as saying that he himself was preparing to do this, or that he would be personally complicit in a plot to murder Chavez, or that he was encouraging others to do so. I am not defending Robertson (he is an obnoxious and deluded idiot), but am merely pointing out some of the circumstances surrounding this particular case.

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"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability... We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."


As Robertson highlighted "Taking Out" could also mean kidnapping or forced exile, so not so bad after all...


He was forced to apologise of course. People that close to president Bush need to be careful (Rove et al)

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From earlier responses about islam and homosexuality! I would like to hear the views of a Chief Rabbi, Arch bishop of Canterbury the Pope and Pat Robertson and what they have to say about homosexuality! mind you think Nick griffin's opinion would be nice?

Pat robertson hasnt said much which is hard to believe as he is quite opinionated mind you think he wants to keep his seat as head of the evangelical church wouldn't want to upset Dick Cheney's who's daughter is a lesbian!

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I do not pretend to be a historian, but throughout mankind civilisations have risen and fallen.

This may be the beginning of the end for ours.

We seem to be being gradually taken over by a backward looking religeion which believes that violence is the only way to achieve anything.

When they are thwarted or mocked in any fashion the only response is mayhem and murder.

When we are in this weird utopia of theirs then may god help them. For they will not have any of the present means to help them.

They're not bothered about having the present means to help them. They abhor everything that's been invented over the last 200 years or so - except the means to kill, and they will use modern technology to destroy us then once that has been achieved, its back to the Dark Ages. They hate US having the present means to help ourselves.

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So from royjames' link, the BNP are going to carry out a leaflet campaign showing the cartoons, but claim that they are " not intended to cause offence".


They really are either:


A: Intent on stirring the pot for their own benefit.

B: Incredibly stupid.


It might even be both.


I might even agree with "A Government spokesman condemned the leaflets as "straight out of the Nazi textbook"

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