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The Cartoon protests megathread

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you do have a valid point that men do see women as sexual objects rather than an individual but your point can be applied everywhere.

how many sexual crimes do we see in the tabloids each week?


I totally agree with you but then again we do not know how many sexual crimes are being committed in Islamic countries because most will go unreported, including acts against children.


I think you will agree with me that this is one of the reasons the West looks so down on Islamic countries. Am I right in thinking that it was not that long ago that the birth of female babies did not even have to be recorded in places like Saudi Arabia? Most women are treated not even as second class citizens, more like third.

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I totally agree with you but then again we do not know how many sexual crimes are being committed in Islamic countries because most will go unreported, including acts against children.


I think you will agree with me that this is one of the reasons the West looks so down on Islamic countries. Am I right in thinking that it was not that long ago that the birth of female babies did not even have to be recorded in places like Saudi Arabia? Most women are treated not even as second class citizens, more like third.


I'm not sure about the registering of female babies? but do agree on your point sexual crimes are not being recorded in islamic countries but the point about female being classed as 2nd class are isolated to some countries who find covering of females as you put it, "women feel the need to cover themselves to take them out of sight of perverted men" as a prevention.

yet islamic countries such as pakistan have had a female prime minister. (benezhir bhutto)

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Dont worry soon sharia law will be coming your way,it has already started in parts of Canada,sooner or later it will be the same here.



That article is almost 2 years old. ALL religious courts have now been officially banned in Ontario. Not sure about the other provinces but I think that most will follow suit to varying degrees.

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Its on the BNP web site,we aint afraid of the muslims.:thumbsup:


We know that Roy - As once upon a time the "Voice Of Freedom" was printed by a Saudi owned printing press - could you tell us why the BNP didn't choose a wholly owned british firm?

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Why has nothing been done about the people who carried these placards? The police have all the evidence needed, they also know their identities.


The Metropolitan Police made it clear on the 5th February, that why would be pursuing every complaint through their Public Order Crime Unit.


To date, there have been no arrests, and the people who openly called for murder are getting off Scot free!


So, as it seems, you are more likely to get "Banged Up" if you call a police officer a “Dyke” than if you call for indiscriminate murder!


What a world we live in :loopy:

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I will believe it when I see it. Arrests where talked about as imminent back in early Feb and still nothing has happened.


I don’t think either Muslims or non Muslims would like to see these people getting away with this.


If nothing happens, or the persecutions are cocked up then the police will loose further credibility and the Islamic faith will also suffer. It would be a loose, loose situation, except for extremists on both sides!

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Well for a start I think you mean prosection and not persecution.


Moving now to the main purpose of your post, I wonder if you are aware of the amount of work involved before the Police in association with the CPS are in a position to issue charges. ALL of the correct procedures must be followed at each stage failing which the prosecution will fail and then we'll probably get you and others posting on here to complain of the costs incurred because the police and CPS bungled the charging procedure which resulted in loss of credibility all round.


Think that about sums it up

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But even if they are eventually convicted and banged up (or bunged up, as Wendy might say), the problem won't stop there. It has become quite well known that some of our prisons have become recruiting grounds for islamic fanatics (the 'shoe bomber' Richard Read and the ex-con dressed as a suicide bomber during the recent cartoon protests are cases in point).


There is a real danger that the placard wielding fanatics will use their time inside in order to convert other muslims in jail to their way of thinking. As with so many other things in this field, the authorities appear to have been painfully slow to recognise and take effective measures to deal with this problem.

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My reason for this post was sparked by the fact the Shadow Home Secretary David Davis is asking the very same question. Mr Davis knows full well the time scales and still sees no reason why there have been no arrests. In order to arrest someone all you need is evidence of which the Met have plenty of, therefore there is real reason for the delay.


David Davis's Letter to the Home Secretary:


“I am writing with regard to the demonstrations which occurred on 3rd and 4th February outside the Danish Embassy in Knightsbridge, concerning cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad.


These protests contained elements whose behaviour the Prime Minister’s spokesman described as ‘unacceptable’ (Downing Street Press Briefing, 6 February 2006).


You will remember that protesters carried banners that incited violence and indeed murder, offences which the public have a right to expect the police to deal with and deal with promptly.


At the time Downing Street declared that in such situations ‘there were always decisions to be taken about whether to act immediately or to act later’. The police would ‘make operational judgments on the ground and then pursue matters later on’ (Downing Street Press Briefing, 6 February 2006). This implied that action would be taken.


You yourself promised that the police were undertaking ‘rigorous assessments’ and that if they concluded ‘there have been breaches of the law and decide to take any action, we would, of course, support them’ (The Guardian, 6 February 2006). This implied action was being undertaken.


The Metropolitan Police stated they were assessing the evidence collected, promising that ‘all complaints made to police will be passed to the Public Order Crime Unit for investigation’ (Metropolitan Police, The Telegraph, 5 February 2006).


There were no evidential issues that would delay criminal proceedings because there were ‘several different means of collecting the necessary evidence should it be required post-event’. (Metropolitan Police, The Telegraph, 5 February 2006).


It is now four weeks later. The police appear to be aware of the identity of those who committed offences but no arrests under any of the several possible criminal charges have been made. It is difficult to understand why this is so.


There is a clear public interest in ensuring that those who incite murder are appropriately dealt with and an equal public interest that there is no unnecessary delay. Furthermore, not to take action is to let down the moderate Muslim majority.


Justice needs to be done and be seen to be done rapidly. I would be grateful if you would let me know why no action appears to have been taken for what is now an unconscionable length of time.”


Going by your comments about the length of time it takes before you can arrest someone, why did it only take a few minutes for Mr Wolfgang to be arrested for heckling the Foreign secretary?


I think you are getting confused with arresting someone and taking them in for questioning and charging someone with an offence.

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