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The Cartoon protests megathread

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I think the muslim protesters are doing a good job, membership of the BNP must be increasing by the hour. Do we really have to put up with demo's such as this? I suppose this is what "free speech" is all about.


Simple solution to the offended muslims, if the western sense of humour offends you then feel free to go to any muslim country- FOR GOOD!!!!


the wont do that they would rather stay here bellyaching

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  • 1 month later...
i would have killed the B******s if i had ever found em

Yes, of course you would. My, what a sensible and thoughtful contribution to the thread; you sound like the sort of clown that Al Quaeda and co are looking for -why not go and strap on some explosives?:loopy:

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One thing I have noticed is that its only men who have been arrested! Where there not men AND women holding the placards calling for murder? Has the burqua effectively stopped police from being able to identify these women?

You're right there Serapis.

On the clips it showed you on tv, it was actually the women who were writing the placards!


Where's their arrests???

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tony im confused. how can the police id them even though they have covered faces ? do you lend them your mod powers ?:hihi:


I have this picture in my head now of a number of women in identical burquas standing in a police line-up.


Just how are they supposed to be identified? :confused:



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Like I said earlier, the Police rely more in intelligence than line ups these days, so it probably doesn't matter. In various situations people wanting to conceal their ID will often cover themselves up. That doesn't stop the Police from arresting them.

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  • 4 years later...
If it is punishable by death to draw a picture of Mohamed because knowone knows what he looked like why do muslims use the phrase "By the beard of the prophet", if nobody knows what he looked like, where does it say that he had a beard?


By the same token how do you know that he was called Mohamed?

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