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The Cartoon protests megathread

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Without knowing you or your friends:

If I draw a cartoon "ridiculing" Islam and show it to you would I be in trouble?

If I draw a cartoon "ridiculing" Mohammed/Allah and show it to you would I be in trouble?

If I did the same and showed it to others would I be in trouble?


Now, if I knew you and you friends very well (grown up through school with friendship) would the same apply?


How do you define 'trouble'?


Regardless of whether I knew you or not, if you did any of the above to me, I'd be upset.


If I drew a cartoon ridiculing the Pope and showed it to devout Catholics, I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they'd be upset (I went to a Catholic secondary school, and am aware of the hurt my fellow pupils would feel when the local CofE Secondary would perform its Orange Lodge day parade right outside the school grounds).


As to whether I'd want to physically attack you, probably not :)


What has upset Muslims is that the cartoons denigrate the Prophet Muhammad who is held in as high esteem as Jesus is for the Christians.


If they'd have been offensive pictures of Osama bin Laden, I doubt many Muslims would care.


If they'd have been offensive pictures of Saddam Hussain, again, I doubt many Muslims would care.


It does seem to me that somebody wanted to offend our religion just for the sake of it.

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This is taking the heat off of that other mad terrorist of course. He must be sitting back rubbing his hands with glee, assuming that his advisors have been able to explain the situation in simple enough terms for him to comprehend.


I am referring to the one and only Mr. G. W.

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I went to a Catholic school but would laugh at any anti-Catholic cartoon as it's, like all religions, a load of rubbish.


There are cartoons almost WEEKLY in the British media with Christianity and no-one gives two hoots. Christians have got used to it and accept it's part of freedom of speech, particularly as the UK is secular.


Maybe it's time other religons did also?


The worrying this is British newspapers didn't even print it but the "peaceful" protestors were chanting Down with the UK, and down with the EU.


What's worrying and is sick was the chanting "Denmark you will pay 7/7 is on its way" as it was in London.


There's a reason the UK is majority secular and the protestors today showed why.

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I will tell what the problem is, We are happy living the way we are. We want our our Wives to be our equal life partners, not our slaves. We want our sons and daughters to be brought up as equals and to have the same life choices as they do now.


When we go to pray we do it as equals not as seperate sexes, one being told one thing the other something else, why do you have this obsession with secrecy and segregation?


Until you sort out your sexual and pictorial strangness it will be difficult for your religeon to gain ground with western people

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It does seem to me that somebody wanted to offend our religion just for the sake of it.


Who cares?.... so what you are saying is that if someone offends your religion then the whole of Europe is gonna pay?.... good job you can distance yourself from the likes of Osama and Saddam.... You don't and didn't see mass rallies with hate banners marching the streets against Muslims by Europeans when another British soldier is killed in Iraq or Afghanistan ( both places you have indicated you would not shed a tear for ) Have your religious brothers not cartooned the Jewish and Catholic faiths in the past in a most uncomplimentary way? and did we see such childish behaviour in response?


There will come a time of retribution but I doubt that Europe will be on the receiving end from such a primitive belief.

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Who cares?.... so what you are saying is that if someone offends your religion then the whole of Europe is gonna pay?.... good job you can distance yourself from the likes of Osama and Saddam.... You don't and didn't see mass rallies with hate banners marching the streets against Muslims by Europeans when another British soldier is killed in Iraq or Afghanistan ( both places you have indicated you would not shed a tear for ) Have your religious brothers not cartooned the Jewish and Catholic faiths in the past in a most uncomplimentary way? and did we see such childish behaviour in response?


There will come a time of retribution but I doubt that Europe will be on the receiving end from such a primitive belief.


I do not appreciate the threatening tone of your post.

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I do not appreciate the threatening tone of your post.


Who is being threatening?.... now?.... I merely stated a fact that issues will surface and people also.... this is predicted by the Koran is it not? I personally do not carry banners around threatening life in the name of religion.... do you agree with this practice? and if you don't.... please say so.... I wish you or anyone no personal harm to clear the record up.

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Can I just say that it is NOT Abdul who is threatening europe and bringing up 9/11 it's the protestors and so people should not say things like "just becasue someone offends your religion..." and so on in that post.


Thank you for your comments, GothicCharm. I responded to one of your posts earlier here


Jake01 may find it interesting.


Many thanks

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