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The Cartoon protests megathread

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How do you define 'trouble'?


Regardless of whether I knew you or not, if you did any of the above to me, I'd be upset.


If I drew a cartoon ridiculing the Pope and showed it to devout Catholics, I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they'd be upset (I went to a Catholic secondary school, and am aware of the hurt my fellow pupils would feel when the local CofE Secondary would perform its Orange Lodge day parade right outside the school grounds).


As to whether I'd want to physically attack you, probably not :)


What has upset Muslims is that the cartoons denigrate the Prophet Muhammad who is held in as high esteem as Jesus is for the Christians.


If they'd have been offensive pictures of Osama bin Laden, I doubt many Muslims would care.


If they'd have been offensive pictures of Saddam Hussain, again, I doubt many Muslims would care.


It does seem to me that somebody wanted to offend our religion just for the sake of it.


Perhaps they did. But in the western society we have they have the right to do that whether muslims like it or not. Freedom of sppech applies to viewpoints you agree with AND viewpoints you find highly offensive.


I find the BNP views offensive and dont agree with them for example, but I recognise they have the right to say these views in our society.


Also I am not sure the analogy of muslims and christians holds. This is because from what I have read in the papers in islam drawing mohammed is highly offensive. But drawing jesus in christianity is not. This is perhaps why muslims are more offended than chrisytians would be?


I have to say that since these pictures were published 4 months ago in a danish paper it seems odd they hit the headlines now. I dont know what to conclude from this to be honest.

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Can I just say that it is NOT Abdul who is threatening europe and bringing up 9/11 it's the protestors and so people should not say things like "just becasue someone offends your religion..." and so on in that post.


You can say what you like ( it is your right ) but you also need to explain why someone should not give an answer to a question posed when they could easily do so early on and take them self out of the equation full stop instead of defending.


Gothic Charm.... do you agree with the protests?

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Perhaps they did. But in the western society we have they have the right to do that whether muslims like it or not. Freedom of sppech applies to viewpoints you agree with AND viewpoints you find highly offensive.




Also I am not sure the analogy of muslims and christians holds. This is because from what I have read in the papers in islam drawing mohammed is highly offensive. But drawing jesus in christianity is not. This is perhaps why muslims are more offended than chrisytians would be?


What upset me was that the pictures were offensive. If they were tasteful, I wouldn't have been bothered. Indeed, if the pictures showed Jesus in an offensive manner, I would still be upset - Jesus is after all a Prophet in Islam.


I have to say that since these pictures were published 4 months ago in a danish paper it seems odd they hit the headlines now. I dont know what to conclude from this to be honest.


Me neither!


If you will allow me to live up to my self-styled reputation as the Forum Cynic, I wonder if the story was indeed planned to be released straight after GW Bush' State of the Union speech!

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There has been racial or religious things going round for years. BNP, KKK, cartoons etc. etc.


I personally thought that the protest was offensive. They may have found it offensive to see the prophet mohammed portrayed like that. I almost did and I'm not even muslim. But at the end of the day they are saying they have a peaveful protest going but are also burning flags of europe and displaying offensive cartoonistic posters of Muslims knifing people and saying things like "Europe learn some lessons from 9/11" a threat. and "europe remember 9/11" also a threat. Which people find offensive. What I find most offensive about it (perhaps just because we are part of europe) but the fact that they can burn european flags and threaten europe and yet THEY LIVE HERE!

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You can say what you like ( it is your right ) but you also need to explain why someone should not give an answer to a question posed when they could easily do so early on and take them self out of the equation full stop instead of defending.


Gothic Charm.... do you agree with the protests?



Jake01 - with due respect, have you read the link I supplied in my previous post? You will see that GothicCharm was most certainly NOT in favour of the protesters burning flags.


If you would like answers from me, please state your questions courteously.


I have no wish to fall out with you.

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There has been racial or religious things going round for years. BNP, KKK, cartoons etc. etc.


I personally thought that the protest was offensive. They may have found it offensive to see the prophet mohammed portrayed like that. I almost did and I'm not even muslim. But at the end of the day they are saying they have a peaveful protest going but are also burning flags of europe and displaying offensive cartoonistic posters of Muslims knifing people and saying things like "Europe learn some lessons from 9/11" a threat. and "europe remember 9/11" also a threat. Which people find offensive. What I find most offensive about it (perhaps just because we are part of europe) but the fact that they can burn european flags and threaten europe and yet THEY LIVE HERE!


Thank you for posting your opinion.... as you say "They live here".... "they" is now an offensive word btw.... as it apparently causes divide but these people say they have respect but never show it in any form to the west as no matter how they dress it up.... they dislike our way of life as it doesn't conform to Islam. Full stop....

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Thank you for posting your opinion.... as you say "They live here".... "they" is now an offensive word btw.... as it apparently causes divide but these people say they have respect but never show it in any form to the west as no matter how they dress it up.... they dislike our way of life as it doesn't conform to Islam. Full stop....


"they" was not used to form a divide "they" was used to outline the people who were at the protests because "they" were at the protests... get it?


if the word "they" was not used then you would have to say "the people went to the food shop and the people bought a chocolate bar"

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I have no wish to fall out with you.


Me neither with you Abdul.... would be pretty childish.... just answer me one thing tho..... " Why is it that the muslim community get so wound up over triviality? I mean it's not like war has been declared.... it was simply a joke." :confused:

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"they" was not used to form a divide "they" was used to outline the people who were at the protests because "they" were at the protests... get it?


if the word "they" was not used then you would have to say "the people went to the food shop and the people bought a chocolate bar"


Discuss the word "they" with the pc brigade and don't shoot the messenger.

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