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Look at Robert Reagan,he was a poor actor and yet was a successful president,serving two terms.


---------- Post added 08-04-2013 at 16:46 ----------


It does not take much to govern large states like Wyoming as they are empty.


Robert Reagan. Good Lord.


And the empty states. Yup. Governing an "empty" state is like being the manager of Burger King. That's why they gave the job to a woman.


---------- Post added 09-04-2013 at 17:49 ----------


Robert? Not Ronald, maybe?


Shhhhhhh. :D

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Oh that's OK then, can not blame the guy for deciding to take a bribe.

By the way, when you say 'broke' do you mean in the way you or I would be broke, or do you mean in the way the upper class Aristocracy do 'broke'?

You know, still living in a Mansion,dining at the Savoy & holidaying on the French Riviera, the kind of 'broke' that we all aspire to.


Also, that rich American heiress happens to have been Winstons mother, so could you explain to us again how my comment about him not wanting for anything wasn't correct?


---------- Post added 09-04-2013 at 12:26 ----------



No cuttsie you shouldn't ignore it & neither do I. On another previous thread I made the point that the Royal Family obtained their wealth & privilege by virtue of the fact that they were descended from the most successful bunch of Thugs, Thieves & Murderers throughout Europe. Didn't go down too well with some people, but true non the less.


The objection I had to your Kennedy comment was that whilst there was an element of truth in it I felt you went over the top somewhat.

If the Kennedy's are some of 'The biggest Gangsters ever to set foot in America' where does that leave Al Capone, John Dillinger, Legs Diamond, Bugsie Segal & Machine Gun Kelly?

In fact Joseph Kennedy senior was the youngest Bank President in American history (yes, I know, but in them days Banking was considered an honourable profession)

He then increased his fortune by taking advantage of one of the most stupid laws ever written, Prohibition. He funded booze transportation over the Canadian border.

The fascinating thing about the Kennedy's is that their family history sounds like a tragedy written by Shakespeare, another guy who has just been revealed as a villain!


Cutsie's comment "biggest gangsters to set foot in America" is just laughable.


Gawd! Time out for a history lesson people :hihi: Now pay attention :D


The first Kennedy to set foot in America was a poor Irish farmer who lived in a sod roofed house and like a few million other Irish who were starving to death during the Great Potato Famine emigrated to America

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Cutsie's comment "biggest gangsters to set foot in America" is just laughable.


Gawd! Time out for a history lesson people :hihi: Now pay attention :D


The first Kennedy to set foot in America was a poor Irish farmer who lived in a sod roofed house and like a few million other Irish who were starving to death during the Great Potato Famine emigrated to America

And what was the first Capone ,Same difference maybe?


Mind you Capone and his mob never associated with terrorists who bombed British cities killing Innocent men women and children.

And that is no laughing matter.

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cuttsie. I'm Anglo-Irish, English father, Sheffielder. family traced back in the direct male line to 1706 in the Sheffield area. Irish mother from the County Clare. My father served throughout the Second War & saw action at Dunkirk, North Africa & Italy. His elder brother served in the Royal Navy in the First World War & had three ships sunk under him. Their first cousin (mine also) died on the first day of the Somme 1st July 1916 in the Sheffield Pals Battalion, he was 19. I have arranged to visit his grave in June.

Now I'm telling you all that because I don't want you to get the impression that I'm anti British which is the usual ignorant response to what I'm about to say next.

Firstly cuttsie, if you find yourself in another mans land with a gun in your hand, trying to impose your countries will on people who don't want it, then there's a very good chance you're in the wrong.

Secondly, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, Mandela was called a terrorist, by Thatcher amongst others.

Thirdly, when it comes to killing innocent men, women & children where do you think the IRA stand in comparison with the RAF or British Army, numbers wise? A few thousand or a few hundred thousand behind? Or do you consider it acceptable to take the lives of innocents if your British?

The fact is of course that it is always wrong when innocent people are killed by actions which they wished no part of, but trying to take the moral high ground if you're British leaves you on seriously dodgy ground. Ask a Tasmanian Aboriginal if you don't believe me.

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And what was the first Capone ,Same difference maybe?


Mind you Capone and his mob never associated with terrorists who bombed British cities killing Innocent men women and children.

And that is no laughing matter.


Capone probably was born of poor Sicilian immigrants in New York. The Catholic Irish, Italians and Jews who emigrated to America were largely despised and looked on with contempt by the Americans already there whose ancestors were English, Scots-Irish, Dutch and French. Many jobs and careers were barred to these newly arrived immigrants and when a man has to feed his family then he'll do whatever needs to be done to feed them even if it's breaking the law


I dont have any time for those Americans who supported the IRA during the recent troubles. The FBI should have clamped down on them from the beginning

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cuttsie. I'm Anglo-Irish, English father, Sheffielder. family traced back in the direct male line to 1706 in the Sheffield area. Irish mother from the County Clare. My father served throughout the Second War & saw action at Dunkirk, North Africa & Italy. His elder brother served in the Royal Navy in the First World War & had three ships sunk under him. Their first cousin (mine also) died on the first day of the Somme 1st July 1916 in the Sheffield Pals Battalion, he was 19. I have arranged to visit his grave in June.

Now I'm telling you all that because I don't want you to get the impression that I'm anti British which is the usual ignorant response to what I'm about to say next.

Firstly cuttsie, if you find yourself in another mans land with a gun in your hand, trying to impose your countries will on people who don't want it, then there's a very good chance you're in the wrong.

Secondly, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, Mandela was called a terrorist, by Thatcher amongst others.

Thirdly, when it comes to killing innocent men, women & children where do you think the IRA stand in comparison with the RAF or British Army, numbers wise? A few thousand or a few hundred thousand behind? Or do you consider it acceptable to take the lives of innocents if your British?

The fact is of course that it is always wrong when innocent people are killed by actions which they wished no part of, but trying to take the moral high ground if you're British leaves you on seriously dodgy ground. Ask a Tasmanian Aboriginal if you don't believe me.

I would love Ireland to be united and also be a part of a union inc England ,Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man etc after all we are free to roam all our Islands at will , It is religion that is the biggest diversity in our Islands, [forgive me for saying our] Just look at the madness in Scotland when the old firm get together or the streets of Belfast with their daft murals on gable ends, silly marches and walled communities .


I have worked in Ireland along with other Sheffielders building furnaces for American Companies and believe me we were made to feel most unwelcome.


By comparison the Irish lads I have worked with in England on building sites have in my experience been made mostly very welcome and some of them are life long friends of mine.

P.S. They also taught me some very dodgy songs that at the time meant nothing but a laugh but over the years I looked at them in a different light.


---------- Post added 09-04-2013 at 23:23 ----------


Capone probably was born of poor Sicilian immigrants in New York. The Catholic Irish, Italians and Jews who emigrated to America were largely despised and looked on with contempt by the Americans already there whose ancestors were English, Scots-Irish, Dutch and French. Many jobs and careers were barred to these newly arrived immigrants and when a man has to feed his family then he'll do whatever needs to be done to feed them even if it's breaking the law


I dont have any time for those Americans who supported the IRA during the recent troubles. The FBI should have clamped down on them from the beginning

Cheers for the discusion Harlyman some times being English can be a hard past time.

A bit like being a native American !!!!!!!!!!!!!!maybe;)

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I would love Ireland to be united and also be a part of a union inc England ,Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man etc after all we are free to roam all our Islands at will , It is religion that is the biggest diversity in our Islands, [forgive me for saying our] Just look at the madness in Scotland when the old firm get together or the streets of Belfast with their daft murals on gable ends, silly marches and walled communities .


I have worked in Ireland along with other Sheffielders building furnaces for American Companies and believe me we were made to feel most unwelcome.


By comparison the Irish lads I have worked with in England on building sites have in my experience been made mostly very welcome and some of them are life long friends of mine.

P.S. They also taught me some very dodgy songs that at the time meant nothing but a laugh but over the years I looked at them in a different light.


---------- Post added 09-04-2013 at 23:23 ----------


Cheers for the discusion Harlyman some times being English can be a hard past time.

A bit like being a native American !!!!!!!!!!!!!!maybe;)


Bah! They dont pay Federal or State taxes, have dual American-Canadian citizenship and now have shares in gambling casinos all over the country making millions from the white suckers who go there for a flutter :hihi:


Only this morning I got a wave from Chief Blue Duck out for a drive in his Porsche.


I says " Where's the Rolls today Chief"?


He answered " Back in the garage with the Bentley and the Caddy of course"

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Harleyman. You don't have time for Irish Americans who supported the IRA during the troubles & think the FBI should have been involved? Really? And what exactly has it got to do with the FBI? The USA gained it's freedom by fighting, & winning, two wars against the British Empire. There are far more Americans of Irish descent than there are of British descent in America & the Irish, who are the second most common European peoples in America after the German/Prussians have contributed far more to the USA than the British who were still in conflict with America well into the 1800s.

Are you aware for instance that 33 nationalities have been recipients of the Medal of Honor & that the Irish are second only to Americans with the German/Prussians coming a distant third?

Why exactly should the USA come down on the side of Britain in such a dispute? Is it that 'Special Relationship' where America tells Britain to jump & Britain asks How High?

The fact is that America has been working to ensure the dismantling of the British Empire since after the First War. That British politicians like to be seen mixing with American politicians in an effort to seek reflected glory like that muppet Blair strutting around Camp David with' Dubya' only makes it easier.

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Bah! They dont pay Federal or State taxes, have dual American-Canadian citizenship and now have shares in gambling casinos all over the country making millions from the white suckers who go there for a flutter :hihi:


Only this morning I got a wave from Chief Blue Duck out for a drive in his Porsche.


I says " Where's the Rolls today Chief"?


He answered " Back in the garage with the Bentley and the Caddy of course"


It's almost as if you resent them having won something back after having been almost totally destroyed.

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