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Harleyman. You don't have time for Irish Americans who supported the IRA during the troubles & think the FBI should have been involved? Really? And what exactly has it got to do with the FBI? ...

Why exactly should the USA come down on the side of Britain in such a dispute? Is it that 'Special Relationship' where America tells Britain to jump & Britain asks How High?



No, it's about agreements under which the United Kingdom undertakes to support the United States in anti-terrorist activities and vice-versa.

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Rupert Baehr. Would those be the agreements where America extradited British business men on charges which wouldn't have attracted prison terms in this country but did in America? The same agreements which won't allow us to do it the other way around? The agreements which, when passed through to the House of Lords here, & the Senate there, were nodded through by our lot & thrown out by the Senate? Those agreements?

The Senate rejected them on the grounds that no foreign country should be able to extradite a US citizen without first proving their case in an American court. Quite right too, & a disgrace that our lot hadn't got the backbone to do likewise.


As I mentioned in my previous post the Irish American influence in the USA is substantial & many of those Irish-Americans regard the IRA as freedom fighters. Given the way many of their ancestors arrived in America originally that is perfectly understandable.


So no Rupert, you should not have expected support from that side of the pond.


Notice the use of the word FOREIGN in the Senates reasoning for rejecting the agreement as it was originally presented.

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