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Social Media - trouble for the young ens

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Oh definitely! :suspect::hihi:


I feel sorry for many of the youth of today, who when applying for important jobs in 20 years or so will almost certainly have their histories plastered over the future virtual papers!


Privacy is fast becoming a thing of the past.



. hardly privacy when the silly sods post everything online from what they are eating to what they are wearing to what they are doing and who they doing it to..........

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I'd be more inclined to be paranoid about "adults" use of social media. Give teenagers a break.


Absolutely. There have been some real arguments on FB this week regarding posts about Thatcher. Some from kids who weren't even alive when Thatcher was in power, or who's parents didn't have a hard time.


There was even one recommending that everyone signs a petition not to give her a state funeral, even though she was never going to have one in the first place.

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Right decision really.


Probably but I do find myself feeling a bit sorry for her.


Most of her postings on Twitter and FB were from a couple of years ago and teens grow up quite quickly between the ages 0f 14 - 17, become totally different people sometimes.


She also had the guts to face the press rather than hide behind her boss so she deserves credit for that. Sadly the whole PCC fiasco and the depth of feeling in some quarters towards it meant she was always on a hiding to nothing. There were headlines about her before the tweets were unearthed and afterwards I don't think the press would have let up.


I wonder if they'll re-advertise her job.

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. hardly privacy when the silly sods post everything online from what they are eating to what they are wearing to what they are doing and who they doing it to..........


That's what lots of people do though now. I don't really get why.


However, it's not just own writing. On the rare occasions that I venture out for a drink (with work or summat), people are always taking photos and putting them on facebook.


Imagine if in 10/20 years you are trying for a government or professional position, and information carries on increasing at the current rates:


A reporter tries to catch you out.


Rep: You are applying to be the next governor for the north?

You: Yes.

Rep: Do you use or have you ever used illegal drugs?

You: No.

Rep: Do you/have you associated with people who use illegal drugs? (the trump question)

You: No.

Rep: Are you sure?

You: Yes, unless they were using and not telling me.

Rep: Look at this picture from 19** (basically 20 years ago) (a picture of a friend taken from social media)

Rep: Do you know this person?

You: Yes, it's A

Rep: Do you know they took illegal drugs?

You: Well, perhaps, but never in front of me, it's not my business

Rep: How long have you know them?

You: 25 years or so

Rep: We looked at this person's profile and writing, and they regularly posted about their drug use, while you were friends, and responding to their posts.

Rep: Do you think someone who associates with drug addicts is fit to be the next governor for the north?

(the classic loaded question)



Next minute, the media shows headline: Prospective governor lies about his drugs past!











Probably but I do find myself feeling a bit sorry for her.


Me too. This could become a common thing in a decade or so.

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Don't people have a filter anymore ? I did some stuff I wasn't proud of as a teenager (some of it I was very proud of at the time) but I didn't record it for posterity or tell the world and his wife - or indeed parents. It wasn't anything sinister, but me (and my mates I guess) were slightly concerned of reprocusions if work or college found out. Nobody seems to give a toss anymore.


In 10 years time an old picture of the would-be prime minister's head in a strippers cleavage won't even make page 5.

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Don't people have a filter anymore ? I did some stuff I wasn't proud of as a teenager (some of it I was very proud of at the time) but I didn't record it for posterity or tell the world and his wife - or indeed parents. It wasn't anything sinister, but me (and my mates I guess) were slightly concerned of reprocusions if work or college found out. Nobody seems to give a toss anymore.


Like someone said earlier, once on the net, pretty much always there somewhere. Filter or no filter.


In 10 years time an old picture of the would-be prime minister's head in a strippers cleavage won't even make page 5.


I doubt there will be a page 5 in 10 years time!


Live streaming news is pretty much here, but nothing like what it will be.


If someone's got it in for someone, a bit of clever tech, and you will be able to ruin someone with propaganda in seconds.

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look at what this dimwit wrote on twitter:


"Definitely knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier. I have right of way - he doesn't even pay road tax!"


I love the way she published that tweet saying she had definitely

knocked over the cyclist-the cyclist has agreed with this but now she is

trying to claim he did not fall off his bike and that he is lying

hahahadoh! If they believe her new story maybe she will get done by

leveson for publishing lies!!


Twitter-helping the police catch stupid people since 2006

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