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What's been great so far this week!

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Has anybody had a really great thing happen to them this week!

If so share the experience as there's so much crap about in peoples lives it's always good to hear good news!

If you've got nothing for this week so far, then why not make somebody happy tomorrow by doing something different.

All you have to say is " I made some one smile today" when you post on this thread. everybody up for the challenge?

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Besides picking up an electric soldering-iron with the wrong end at work yesterday, it's ben OK, thanks, apart from the blisters.


Best thing to happen was when I finished work tonight. I am on holiday until Monday. My weekend has already started.

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the best thing that is going to happen to me this week is breaking up from school on friday!! got a whole week off!!!

but thinking about it i have got maths last thing friday.. and cant even enjoy it as i have got to see the head of my year after maths lessons now to check that i have been behaving!! ARGH! (im a good girl honest!)

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Spent the day at home with my boy , who had a bit of a fever, and we sat and played and watched teletubbies and talked. I Put my son to bed and read him "the mole who knew it was none of his business" (great book) - cooked some haddock, leek and potato fishcakes with chips and salad, and ate that with a bottle of nice Czech lager.


Went out at about 9pm and spent two hours making an unholy racket with some big drums, dropped in to see a friend at about 12:30am returned home at 1:30, sat down at my spotless workstation after looking in on my soundly sleeping girlfriend and commenced work on a fractal art site with everything working just tickety-boo.


It doesn't get much better than this, despite being unemployed and skint.

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Originally posted by cazzaworld

Well on Monday I had my first driving lesson, apparently the instructor said I was a natural. Yesterday I found out I start my new college course in two weeks. I am well pleased.

Did he say you're a Natural or that you were still in Neutral?

Big difference you know :P


Good luck with the lessons!

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