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What's been great so far this week!

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Originally posted by jackthedog

I noticed it's staying light for longer. I'm not having to drive to and from work in the dark.


I also was taught the correct way to lift a large dog. I've had Greyhounds all my life and never really known how to pick em up correctly. Now I know, so i'll not hurt em when I need to pick em up.


Which is cool.

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So today I'm returning home on a long distance train run , there's this mum and a youngster sat opposite to me on the train, the youngster's fidgeting and stressing out the mum. He's ploughing his way through all the food and drink she brought with her until she eventually runs out. And then boredom sets in!

I heard her mention that she couldn't afford anything extra from the shop.

Kid's and trains weren't meant for each other especially Virgin!

Any way I went to the shop for myself and doubled up on the order, made some pathetic excuse about the eyes being bigger than the belly and palmed the remainder off on them.

The young 'un was happy, the mum was destressed and a bit of happiness and good humour was restored.

You can't buy that!

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

Besides picking up an electric soldering-iron with the wrong end at work yesterday, it's ben OK, thanks, apart from the blisters.


I've had this trouble in the past, but fitting a makeshift wooden handle to the 'stupid' end of the soldering iron usually cures the problem.

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Originally posted by bulldog D

So today I'm returning home on a long distance train run , there's this mum and a youngster sat opposite to me on the train, the youngster's fidgeting and stressing out the mum. He's ploughing his way through all the food and drink she brought with her until she eventually runs out. And then boredom sets in!

I heard her mention that she couldn't afford anything extra from the shop.

Kid's and trains weren't meant for each other especially Virgin!

Any way I went to the shop for myself and doubled up on the order, made some pathetic excuse about the eyes being bigger than the belly and palmed the remainder off on them.

The young 'un was happy, the mum was destressed and a bit of happiness and good humour was restored.

You can't buy that!


Nice one!! :thumbsup: (Next time you travel let me know as I might be peckish ;):D:thumbsup: )

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The thing that was CRAP this week was that I am on here at 3am posting messages like a sad weirdo freak.


I think its nice when people make a lot of effort to move out of the way of ambulances which was highlighted to me on several occasions this week. Everyone moves, even the boy racers with blue neon lights a-shining on their 20 year old vauxhall Novas and baseball caps atop their angry, stupid,alcohol doused brains. Human kind arent so bad really.

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Best thing happened to me this week was 4.00pm Friday afternoon. I clocked out and came home. Phew.

Yesterday lunchtime I thought it was Friday and I was ****** when I realized it was only Thursday. It's been a long week. A new manager to break in at work, the hotel manager breathing down everyone's necks and a guest being rude to me as I walked in the door - with my bag still on my shoulder. I stayed in my office with my door closed.

I made cherry chocolate bread though to cheer me up. Ohhhh that was gooood. It was so good it was disgustingly good.

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It's Friday so it must be good samaritan day again,

I arrived nice and early back on the train, the sun was shining , there was snow on the ground and I needed some exercise. So I decided to walk home! midland station to S12.

My route took me through Norfolk Park (Where are the gates on the Granville Road entrance?) There were the usual parents walking dogs and kids sledging and making the most of the weather . As I approached the top of the park, I was approached by a few teenagers fresh out of an early closing school panicking about a lost mobile phone. It transpired that in the middle of the snowball fights and pushing each other over, one of the girls had lost her mobile.

Would I mind if I rang her number while they listened for it?

sounded like a good Idea to me! and ten minutes later far from where they thought they'd lost it , we found it.

resulting in one very relieved and grateful lass and companions. The moral of the story is , if your going to prat around in the Snow , put your valuables in zipped pockets!

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