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RIP Maggie Thatcher..

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"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money" never a truer word spoken by a truly great prime minister, Rip Maggie! a shame we havent anyone with her backbone nowadays!


Not a problem bankers face, evidently.

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The new angle is that Thatcher wone because people still hate her 30 years later. That shows the mentality of her supporters.
Especially you and others in the Socialist Republic!

Thankfully people in the real world realize just how good she really was............hence worldwide accolade.Unfortunate for those involved in uncompetitive industries at the time,but I cant count the number of jobs I have lost for for similar reasons...............life moves on, if you let it.

King Arthur is the one who needs more venom and demonizing aimed at from my point of view speaking as a Sheffielder who had to suffer the benefit of his actions in those times ,not Thatcher,and look how he has come back to bite his supporters!

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I wonder how many of these champagne supping kids who are out partying/celebrating would actually be prepared to work in a steel works or down a coal mine?
Well.............no one was ever forced to take employment in the mines or the steelworks!..........it's a big wide world out there and employment was much more available in those times.
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I would like to know not only how much her extravegant funeral is going to cost but who will be paying for it?


OK, I know the last point it will be us, the poor old taxpayer again. Surely if the government want a big funeral then the government (conservative party) should pay for it? After all the cabinet is rolling in it and they spent enough time fawning after her.


The mods say I am not allowed to put my true feelings so I think that sums it all up


Please remember that she saved the country about £100,billion in payments to the EEC from 1991 until Blair decided to start to pay them again.


She more than paid for her funeral.


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 12:10 ----------


Not a problem bankers face, evidently.


Not when regulated by a Labour government.


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 12:12 ----------


The alternative was that you continued to live in a country with uncompetitive industries run by trade unions as you continued in your decent to oblivion.


Power cuts, the Winter of Discontent, British Leyland, British Steel and British Rail were an advert to the world of what was no longer good about Britain.


Thatcher's policies reversed the trend and brought investment from the likes of Honda, Toyota, and Datsun. Without them you wouldn't have a motor industry any more.


You have lost a great leader and a great statesman.


You are absolutely correct. I can only assume that many of those posting derogatory comments were not around to witness the situation prevailing in the 70s. She saved this nation.

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The new angle is that Thatcher wone because people still hate her 30 years later. That shows the mentality of her supporters.


I think it shows the mentality, bitterness and willingness to hold a grudge of those spouting off so much these last couple of days.


Oh, and its "won" by the way.

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After all the mods warnings, the same old trolls carry on their points...


Mods, why don't you just BAN them?

Job done!


R.I.P Maggie, a true and loyal Briton

You will be remembered always as a lady who not only saved Britain but also turned it back into a nation to be reckoned with.

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