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Who Is Your Favourite Artist?


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I have a couple of Pete McKee's on my wall [£10 prints] but what I cannot understand is how any painting, drawing, sculpture,statue or flower vase can be worth millions and millions of pounds.

Some private individuals pay these obscene amounts so as to be considered intellectual to their social circle , others through pure greed [investment].

This charade of wealth and privilege merry go round continues unabated while half the Worlds population does not know where the next meal is coming from.

Oscar Wilde was right when he stated that ,"Art is completely useless".


Individual art is rare, that's why some is expensive..like Gold as opposed to monkey metal painted yellow or Zirconia imitating Diamond. As for Oscar wild..he was wrong, otherwise you wouldn't have ten quid prints on your wall..

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I love geometric designs, and the modern stuff by Simon Page is fantastic. Not everyone's cup of tea I suspect, but very appealing to the eye. http://www.inprnt.com/gallery/simoncpage/futurism-time-tracks/


I also like René Magritte stuff, very interesting. And a shout out too for the local artist Joe Scarborough, he's very talented as well.

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I love geometric designs, and the modern stuff by Simon Page is fantastic. Not everyone's cup of tea I suspect, but very appealing to the eye. http://www.inprnt.com/gallery/simoncpage/futurism-time-tracks/


I also like René Magritte stuff, very interesting. And a shout out too for the local artist Joe Scarborough, he's very talented as well.


Simon Page's style reminds me of some 808 State record covers, I wonder if he did them. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/21/808state_ex-el_cover.jpg http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4d/ee/0c/4dee0ccc596d90b722fa98f8bcc97e1e.jpg

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Individual art is rare, that's why some is expensive..like Gold as opposed to monkey metal painted yellow or Zirconia imitating Diamond. As for Oscar wild..he was wrong, otherwise you wouldn't have ten quid prints on your wall..

My ten Quid print by Pete McKee makes the Mona Lisa look like a sad ugly tart.

And as it was a gift from a dear friend it is worth more.

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I love geometric designs, and the modern stuff by Simon Page is fantastic. Not everyone's cup of tea I suspect, but very appealing to the eye. http://www.inprnt.com/gallery/simoncpage/futurism-time-tracks/


I also like René Magritte stuff, very interesting. And a shout out too for the local artist Joe Scarborough, he's very talented as well.


Love that work by Page! Modern Mondrian? Certainly feels like the 30's modernist movement taken a step further.


My ten Quid print by Pete McKee makes the Mona Lisa look like a sad ugly tart.

And as it was a gift from a dear friend it is worth more.


And there you have the value of art. It is easy to dismiss (modern) art as worthless, but once you put it into a context it becomes incredibly valuable. Whether that is due to it being a gift from a dear friend or because it manages to make you think is irrelevant.

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I'd not made that connection before, but now you mention it his artwork wouldn't look out of place on an early Human League or Cabaret Voltaire track!

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