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Cameron to return early

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At the risk of opening a can of worms for the mods, Cameron is coming back from Madrid early due to Thatchers death.


To me this seems wrong - yes sure she was important but at the end, all she was was a peer with a poor attendance record recently, it's not as if much would required Prime Ministerial attention all of a sudden...


Also I rather suspect Thatcher would not have wanted her death to cause such disruption to the machinery of government.

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At the risk of opening a can of worms for the mods, Cameron is coming back from Madrid early due to Thatchers death.


To me this seems wrong - yes sure she was important but at the end, all she was was a peer with a poor attendance record recently, it's not as if much would required Prime Ministerial attention all of a sudden...


Also I rather suspect Thatcher would not have wanted her death to cause such disruption to the machinery of government.


I agree with you, and I hope this isn't a "people's princess" moment.

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the cameras of the world are pointing in this direction at the moment. It is our prime minister's job to be in front of them on such an occasion


Given how transient our families have become, and our attachment to everything we choose to watch on the telly, it's not a surprise that public figures who have remained a constant through a family having several fathers or house moves, or both, are mourned disproportionately

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the cameras of the world are pointing in this direction at the moment. It is our prime minister's job to be in front of them on such an occasion


Given how transient our families have become, and our attachment to everything we choose to watch on the telly, it's not a surprise that public figures who have remained a constant through a family having several fathers or house moves, or both, are mourned disproportionately

Let's be utterly honest here. At least part of the reason he's coming back early is he wants to milk it for all it's worth - he's a politician, it's what they do for goodness sake. Yes, he is doubtless coming back to pay respects but, come on, the selective memory of the Tory party and how they stabbed her in the back (her words), can only rewrite history so much.


And this post will be deleted in 3, 2, 1...


Edit: My, my, the mods are rather slow tonight.

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Wonder how many of her past colleagues were making visits to her in the last few years? She seemed to be leading quite a lonely live with just a maid for company (and the very occasional visit by her children).


just read that her daughter did fly in to be with her yesterday .

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Once they realised what a liability she was and got rid of her, she generally became persona non grata, only being wheeled out at the occasional party conference and the like as a morale booster. When she lost it completely, it was only right she stayed out of public view - wouldn't want the legend tarnished kind of attitude. Sad but true.

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She's one of his heroes and a huge icon of the party he leads. If course he's going to come back. Whatever you may think of the Tories they do honour their dead.

Even after they've stabbed them in the back and binned them. But no one could ever accuse the Tories of being hypocritical, because that would be so, so wrong, wouldn't it?

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