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Lindsay Sandiford to be executed

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I'm not sure how further you can go to simplify a point...it's so obvious the point you're putting over that anyone attempting to argue against it in my eyes are questionable.


As has already been pointed out..this isn't about the law of different nations..it's about the dislike or hatred for a certain type...It's a tool to hide behind and claim it as debate.


Right so the thread is about hatred of elderly white women. Let's round up those haters and give em what for.


Your post makes no sense.

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At the time, I wasn't inferring anything, I was implying that you were a hypocrite. I got the wrong ghost rider though - not knowing that there were two ;)


You then inferred that you are a hypocrite - well would have been had I not picked the wrong ghost rider :D


Haha, My only opinion on this subject, is that she chose to try and smuggle the drugs, so must accept the consequences of her actions - the same as I would have to if it was me.


However, I wouldnt be stupid enough to do it, knowing it would cost me either my life, or my freedom for a very long time.


And we may have to meet up again for anorther pint soon :hihi:

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I'll charitably assume you've nothing left by way of useful comment on account of the lateness of the hour.

I'll leave you with this though. I know you're a lover of freedom, of the wide open spaces; I know you've wild camped on Kinder and elsewhere. All of that suggests to me that you're a pretty decent human being.

Have you ever used cocaine? If you haven't I'll lay odds that you know someone that has. Someone you know, someone you like and respect.

It's just a tool, a substance or a thing that has a use - like aspirin, or a knife, or coffee.

To kill someone for carrying it around is utterly obscene. As obscene as if I broke into your house and killed you because you drink beer or eat cheese.

You need to examine your conscience if you think it's the right thing to kill this woman. Truly.

Strange conclusion! The only conclusion I can draw from that is that Megalithic has no regard for the law preventing people from camping wherever they want in England..or can't afford a campsite :hihi:

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