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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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I worked in various engineering shops in Dinnington & Chesterfield which were staffed by ex-miners (I think businesses got a financial incentive to take them on and train them). None of them said they preferred life down the pit, and were far happier having been retrained as machine operators and setters and centre lathe turners.


Yep, many miners moved on but sadly some became bitter and twisted, which probably ruined the rest of their life.

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It reduced the number of council houses to be rented at affordable prices, the amount of ex council houses being rented by private landlords confirms that.


You should google "thatcher Pinochet" either way you have admitted she supported him for whatever reason.


And that's the problem, if it hadn't been for the property bubble and the buy to let brigade these houses would be owned by the people that are now forced to rent them.

People want to own their home, car, TV, washing machine, they don’t want to rent them, they only rent these thing because they can’t afford to buy them, Thatcher changed that, but sadly Labour policies reversed that change.

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Many owners don't live in an house for life, prior to 2000 we had low cost affordable housing, first time buyers bought the cheapest houses, lived in them for several years and then moving to better houses, the cycle was broke with the property bubble and buy to let brigade which started buying upon all the low cost first time buyer houses and forcing the younger generation back into rent. Home ownership gives everyone a little piece of Britain, what we have now is the opposite of what Thatcher wanted, housing moving back into the ownership of the few and renting to the many.


Well it was HER housing policies that engineered it and this is where her RTB housing policies ended up. DISCUSTING.


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You should google "thatcher Pinochet" either way you have admitted she supported him for whatever reason even demanding his release in 1999.


I don't need to Google it, without Pinochet’s help in the Falkland conflict many British service men would have lost their lives, so we owed him.


---------- Post added 09-04-2013 at 11:28 ----------


Well it was HER housing policies that engineered it and this is where her RTB housing policies ended up. DISCUSTING.



There were many years and a 13 year labour government between what she did and now, you can blame her all you like but that won't alter the fact that home ownership was an aspiration that was affordable until labour destroyed it was their policies which caused the housing bubble made them once again unaffordable.

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I don't need to Google it, without Pinochet’s help in the Falkland conflict many British service men would have lost their lives, so we owed him.


That cannot be confirmed either way but he did allow the SAS to set a base up and aid us however the man was later proven to be a despot and responsible for rapes and murders of innocent people but thatcher never waivered in her support for him, as already stated she campaigned for his release and never waivered in her friendship towards him but you state she didn't support him in one post then concede she did in another giving reasons for it but that doesn't make it right.

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I will choose not to remember her at all.



A fitting and concise eulogy mike, but for all the wrong reasons her policies negatively reverberate to this day...not so easy to forget or ignore.


The legacy of her reign is we don't have a society in the greater good sense. We have individuals (the majority) scrabbling for the last crumb like a bloated lurcher at a medieval banquet. People with no self respect, no dignity through praise of their overlords who throw them such piffling morsels.

She re-invented the age of greed and avarice where it's Colosseum as a distract is not death or humiliation by the hands of a buff bloke with a pithfork and a net, but vacuous individuals paraded 24/7 on a screen...a really big one cos it has to be bigger than the other pleb who's competing. Ironically Thatcherism brought the nation together I'll concede, but only as individuals..not as communities of interest, or common bond..those concepts are long since gone as a collective concept. She wiped out communities overnight..not by policy but her own privately owned stormtroopers...and because of it she's awarded the penultimate prize by the non thinkers.."she got balls int she". Anyone can grow balls when you stand behind 5000 police officers...even a woman.


What she didn't realize is, although we are all equal, not all are equally competitive, equally resourceful, equally able, equally fortunate, equally apathetic, equally ignorant.


What she did bank on though was that mainly the average Brit is equally dim. She may have put the odd penny in the pocket..but hey, so did the other excuse for a politician Blair. Just a pity substance, principal and humanity were the price for that extra couple of quid...what the hell though, we all need that 42 incher or the chance to rub our diamond check jumpers at the local golf club..right?


Thatcher and I had two things in common...Whiskey and sleep deprivation. I certainly wont be losing any of that on her passing, and I certainly wont be wasting a good malt on it either...that would be more than disrespectful to her family..Ironically the concept of "family" in the wider sense was lost on Thatcher. Looking good was always her priority...to hell with how you feel.


And all for what?...The Holy grail of Corporate subservience.

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Was I a fan of Mrs Thatcher ...... No, would I celebrate her death ...... an even bigger NO !

Those people celebrating are scum, and some call themselves 'socialists', I detest those bandwagon jumping pretentious lefties, many of whom will have had a nice middle class upbringing !

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That cannot be confirmed either way but he did allow the SAS to set a base up and aid us however the man was later proven to be a despot and responsible for rapes and murders of innocent people but thatcher never waivered in her support for him, as already stated she campaigned for his release and never waivered in her friendship towards him but you state she didn't support him in one post then concede she did in another giving reasons for it but that doesn't make it right.


Here have a read.


Thatcher always honoured Britain's debt to Pinochet


The Chileans allowed disassembled aircraft to be shipped in for British use. But by far the most important assistance was intelligence. A long-range military radar was installed opposite Argentina's Comodoro Rivadavia air base. With this equipment, the Chileans provided the Task Force with minute-to-minute information on Argentine aircraft movements, so the Task Force commander could prepare his ships' defences and scramble fighters to intercept.


When Pinochet was arrested there at midnight on October 16/17, Margaret Thatcher was under no obvious duty to stand by him. One cannot, after all, be held responsible for the past life of everyone with whom one shares a cup of tea. But she felt an overwhelming moral debt, because of the Falklands. Precisely what Chile had done was shrouded in secrecy. But Mrs Thatcher's own recollections were confirmed in detail by a memorandum of March 25, 1999 written for her use by General Fernando Matthei Aubel, the head of the Chilean air force in 1982. It has never been published.

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