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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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The only thing I will remember fondly about Thatcher is the EU rebate that she fought the rest of Europe for (politically speaking). I've read that it was worth £2billion a year at the time.


Of course, that coward Blair gave up the rebate a couple of years ago. I think he planned to appease the French and the Germans, so they'd elect him as head of the EU.


But they didn't, Blair got played for a fool, and now the country is several billion a year worse off.

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Greed is an inherant human trait, anyone thinking they can purely blame Mrs Thatcher or her policies for that is seriously deluded. some people are exaggerating her legacy beyond belief.

Some people don’t think greed existed for the thousands of years before Thatcher; Thatcher just wanted everyone to have a stake in the country and not just the wealthy.

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Some people don’t think greed existed for the thousands of years before Thatcher; Thatcher just wanted everyone to have a stake in the country and not just the wealthy.


That is one way to increase the greed/competition.

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I think that when you compare and contrast the policies of Thatcher to the Labour party at the time we have an interesting "what if" scenario.


Had Labour won the 1979 election there is a strong possibility that the extreme left would have taken over the party. Had we carried on in the manner they wished, the UK would be out of Europe (it was Labour policy to leave in the 1983 election manifesto).


Our economy could well have been similar to North Korea or Cuba. Split from Europe and the USA, where would out trading partners be?


In the late 70s there were no emerging personalities from the Tories apart from Clarke, Heseltine and Thatcher.


Thatcher emerged just in time. She saved this nation in peacetime as Churchill saved it in wartime.

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So it would have been better if we serfs weren't so greedy and happy to work for the wealthy, as well as rent form the wealthy.:)


We got so wealthy, that we now need to import serfs from accross the water.

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Have you seen how the unions in Germany are doing?


Or, how the German economy is doing?


I'm sorry but that has nothing to do with Thatcher and probably result in slanging matches between left and right and having read through the later posts first seems to be what has happened. This is about what Thatcher did for better or for worse and not a generalisation of political vews, unless it's deliberate digression to try and get the thread locked.

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I think that when you compare and contrast the policies of Thatcher to the Labour party at the time we have an interesting "what if" scenario.


Had Labour won the 1979 election there is a strong possibility that the extreme left would have taken over the party. Had we carried on in the manner they wished, the UK would be out of Europe (it was Labour policy to leave in the 1983 election manifesto).


Our economy could well have been similar to North Korea or Cuba. Split from Europe and the USA, where would out trading partners be?


In the late 70s there were no emerging personalities from the Tories apart from Clarke, Heseltine and Thatcher.


Thatcher emerged just in time. She saved this nation in peacetime as Churchill saved it in wartime.



Many haighly venerated commentators and politicians are saying the exact opposite as I speak.

Just been watching an interesting documentary about the plundering of the Revenues from North Sea Oil.....All in the name of testing out some ideology. Such a waste.

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I thought you didn't need google.:roll:


I have read all that and lots more on the subject and none of it alters two things.

1/ You was wrong when you said she did not support Pinochet.

2/ She still supported him after finding out about all the vile crimes him and his secret police had committed against innocent people.


I also observe you have totally ignored what I posted about her comments on Nelson Mandela.


by the definition of the word he was.

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