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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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Would that be Mark Thatcher the criminal who tried to organise a coup in Equitorial Guinea?




I don't believe in this "Don't speak ill of the dead" malarky. People celebrated the deaths of Saddam Hussein, Gadafi, Ceauescu etc etc


You might say that she never killed or tortured anyone but there would be plenty of people who would disagree with that analysis. Not just with the decimation of communities, jobs and lives due to her economic policies but also her support for some of the most unsavoury murdering scumbags like Pinochet.


I see it like this. All these 'scumbags ' were people. At one time in their life they were all kids, maybe good kids too. They lost their way.



In ever ycase there is a debate to be had about their legacy and important lessons to be learned. Where a character was divisive that debate is made so much harder. By partying the far left is handing a ridiculous amount of ammunition to people who would choose not to debate. It's not going to help.

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I hope the funeral is on a nice warm day so I can spend in some activity that means I can get through the day without seeing it rammed down my throat for relentless hours.


I did not like the women one iota but she is dead and may she rest in peace and her family be given the privacy and dignity any family would wish for to grieve the loss of their loved one.

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Of course not..whatever gave you that idea?


What impact a protest may have, is show those that serve in high office or intend to serve their own ego in office will result in a reviled memory when you're dead and gone. Massive ego's tend to come with unquestionable authority...Thatcher was no exception, she used it to break particular parts of society and ultimately it broke her.


Anyway.. funerals are dead boring..they need a bit of spicing up. :D


This one might get spiced up... the MET horse charging and batoning the disrespectful who might try and interrupt the funeral with their own silly little protests.


Funerals are no place for this. If these people have any respect, they will stay away and let the event pass peacefully. I won't hold my breath though :(

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This one might get spiced up... the MET horse charging and batoning the disrespectful who might try and interrupt the funeral with their own silly little protests.




There's a bit of irony huh? you don't have to be disrespectful to be the recipient of a horse and baton coming at you.

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I didn't agree with her policies or what she did for Britain, but I hope the British people who feel strongly against have the decency to let her family have the funeral without disruption.


By all means protest but the funeral is not the place to do it.

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It's nice to see the Mrs T even after all these years, it's been over 20 years since she left office, is still living rent free in the heads of so many people and will continue to do so for years to come.

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And thousands were happy because they got ££££ discount when they bought their council house.


Since 1980, just under 2 million council homes have been sold, and many of them were sold to Labour supporters, and they still support Labour.

500,000 homes have been sold off since 1998


So not really enough to account for her success.

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There's a bit of irony huh? you don't have to be disrespectful to be the recipient of a horse and baton coming at you.


My father was on the receiving end at Orgreave, so I am fully aware. My old dad, even after being on the receiving end both in a physical and financial sense, doesn't agree with the idea of protesting at her funeral. Rightfully, there is no love lost and my old dad certainly won't be mourning, however, he believes politics should be set aside for someone's burial.

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I hope the funeral is on a nice warm day so I can spend in some activity that means I can get through the day without seeing it rammed down my throat for relentless hours.


I did not like the women one iota but she is dead and may she rest in peace and her family be given the privacy and dignity any family would wish for to grieve the loss of their loved one.


I agree Airking but all this not making political capital cuts both ways.

Her supporters want her to have a state funeral, which she has got (in all but name) and the 'hallelujah chorus' out in full force....Some of her supporters will use the occasion to engage in what Peregrine Worsthorne called 'bourgeois trimphalism'

Edited by Mister M
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